Saturday, December 26, 2009

storm dodging & trunks.

We (Sarah & Andrea) dodged a huge blizzard in order to pick up Ellie from O'Hare in Chicago, Illinois, USA, World, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy. Sarah didn't talk about the storm dodging at all but I insisted we bring it up. She only casually mentioned it, oh about 50 times verbally and 35 on gchat, before she made it her legal middle name (Sarah Storm-Dodger Kron).

Even though the storm dodging was the major part of our trip, take a look at the video to see what else happened. Storm Dodger Kron decided the little sidekick (aka Andrea Froehlich) should hide in the trunk in order to surprise the Brazilian Bombshell because she "didn't know" AF was coming. Let's see what happens...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Eager Anticipation

Steph and I are at home counting down the minutes. Why? you might ask. Because...Ellie Lundquist is back in the US!! That's right...our Brazilian beauty is back home for Christmas!! She flew into Chicago on Wednesday and is now on her way to 2520 with Sarah and Andrea. Now, if we could just get the hands on the clock to move a little quicker...the anticipation is killing us. Hurry up guys!
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