Wednesday, December 06, 2006

E-mailing frenzy!

Welcome to 2006. A year where we have all tasted a little bit of everything. Facebook, monkey greetings, attachments, pictures, month-long dissertations on proper gifts, [ie: chalkboards.], and skype. The list goes on and on.


Have you ever wondered how the heck do e-mails work? And, how are they sent from across the world to your very own computer at home? How does the system work? Am I the only one that doesn't know how e-mails work and the madness behind them? This type of correspondence is absolute craziness. I am about to embark upon a new quest to find the very answers to my thought-provoking questions.

Seeking answers with you,

Saturday, November 18, 2006

free food, tin foil, and friends...

Ellie, Andrea, Katie, Gabby and I dressed up like a Chipotle burrito in hopes of getting a free burrito, and we did! The Chipotle people took our picture. It was fun! We were nice and cozy...

Friday, October 13, 2006

We have lots we want to "blog about," but we haven't had much time lately. However, it doesn't take long to post a great song about God's AMAZING love for us.

And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me who caused His pain! For me who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me?

Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me! Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me!

He left His Father's throne above, So free, so infinite His grace! Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race. 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For O my God, it found out me!

Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray;I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own

Thursday, September 28, 2006

love it

The Minnesota Twins won tonight (Thursday) and are now tied with Detroit for FIRST!!!!!!! This is awesome and I am pumped. JoE Mauer hit a home run in the ninth inning with two outs to tie the game. They went on to win in the 10th inning. This makes me excited.

Get excited for yourself and hop onto the Minnesota Twins website at...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

an INCREDIBLE deal!!

So here's the deal....4 12-packs for $9.00, but then the best part is that if you buy 4 you get a $5.00 gift card! It works out to be $1.00/12-pack (some of the cans are 8cents while the others are 9cents each).
Oh yeah, the deal is at Target. SO, visit your local Target TODAY (well at least before Saturday). Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Minneapolis is the windy city.

 Posted by Picasa

Changing Andrea's Tire!

This is Steph...pointing out the screw in the tire...aka the reason it was flat.

This is Ellie...changing the tire!

This is Andrea....practicing her ballet!

This is Steph...again....with some sustanance for the arduous task!

It was most definitely a group effort!! Way to go TEAM!! Posted by Picasa

i love this song!

You are my supply
My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
worth living for
And still more awesome than I know

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You’re my sacrifice
Of greatest price
And still more awesome than I know
You’re the coming King
You are everything
And still more awesome than I know

And all of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thrist and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

More than all I want
More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know
More than all I can say
You are more than enough for me

Monday, September 18, 2006

election '06

Star Trib reported Pawlenty and Hatch are tied at 42%

Saturday, September 16, 2006

blonde moment of the week...

Andrea (reading from her Spanish book): En Puerto Rico una China es una naranja.
You guys what does "c-h-i-n-a" mean?

Ellie and Steph: (burst out laughing) CHINA?!? as in the country?!?

Friday, September 15, 2006

Welcome to our statements.

1. On Tuesday, there was a fatal shooting that happened two blocks away from our house. The shooting occured on 12th and 25th around 5:30pm. A 22 year old was shot four times, and died an hour later. Also, a 7 year old was grazed by the bullet. We know that the shooting wasn't random, it was intentional. It was a good reminder to be aware of our surroundings in the neighborhood. But, we take refuge in God and trust that He will protect us! God reigns soveriegn over this neighborhood and the world!

2. Classes and school are back in full force! Andrea is taking three classes, Steph is taking four, and Ellie is taking two TBI classes at the North Campus. We are still currently at our jobs. Go T-Paw!

3. Andrea is going to Cameroon in December for 2.5 weeks! HURRAH!! What an amazing gift!

4. We MISS our dear friends in Arizona and Cameroon!!!!! But, we know that God is using them for His Glory in those places.

5. Pray for our neighbors. That we would have many opportunities to develop relationships and show them Christ's love.

6. We started youth group last Wednesday. Each of us will have a group of girls to mentor and grow deeper together in our relationship with Christ. Pray for that! We feel inadequate for the task ahead, and we need God to work in/through us.

7. NO Dutch Blitz has been played since the departure of Gabe and Julia Schmidt. Sad. :(

8. NO sweets for Ellie and Steph. NO caffeine for Andrea.

9. We (Andrea and Steph) are officially hanging up our "dating just for fun" shoes. It's time to get down to business!

10. This is a big deal. They are kind-of a big deal around here. THE TWINS. Hopefully, they will go to the playoffs.


Monday, August 28, 2006



we just went to dixie's on grand. it was a grand time....haha...grand. get it?

time for dirt dessert! hurrah!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

it was a pretty flippin sweet time

let me tell you. grandma and grandpa froehlich's annual music party. there was lots of singing, solos, instruments, jokes, food, laughing. one of the favorites...

Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

joy in life

1996 Summer Olympic Games.

Who taped the women's gymnastics and watched them over and over???? Dominique Dawes was a favorite.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006


We have a house guest for a couple days. Hershey Currie has been welcomed with open arms, along with his kennel.

One of Steph's coworkers, Christy, has a Shih Tzu she is giving away. We have a picture of the dog on our fridge. HOPING, PRAYING that dog will soon live at 2520. The dog's name is Chloe. Christy is a little aprehensive of the neighborhood.

steph wants a sweet that starts with an s and ends with an s. there are some sitting on the dining room table...hmm...oh, Dan is now offering one to Hersey, but still has not offered any to Steph...although she has made many hints about wanting some. could she be any more obvious?? HELLO.

we are going to rainbow (or cub!) to get SKITTLES (hint, hint), and then switch the movie at blockbuster. yep, did i mention SKITTLES? yes, i did. wild berry. seriously, i love them, and no offer has been made. goodness. ok, i'm out.


we like em. whatever makes the guy taller...according to sarah heefner.

knowing that you are all lovers of knowledge, we would like to direct you to

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

pictures of 2520...finally!


please pray for our neighbors here in the phillips neighborhood. that we would love them, and be salt and light to them. pray earnestly that their hearts of stone would be changed to hearts of flesh. pray that we would have opportunities to share with them about Christ. thanks!

favorite food of the week...

the other day i was with rebecca at rainbow foods. she told me of the goodness of peanut butter covered pretzels. SO good. try one. love it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

wearing your heart on your sleeve

what exactly does this mean?

chewing gum

some say it kills brain cells because it may release mercury from cavity fillings into your body. some say it gives bad gas. and others say it actually helps increase your learning capabilities. let us just add that it can cut cravings.

being the lovers of knowledge we are...we really want to know the truth about gum and brain cells and the correlation between the two.

in the words of dj mertes. we can never be sure.

Failure to Launch...

"Is that a spaceship movie?" - JP

Friday, August 04, 2006

spiders are not my friends

life at 2520 is going great other than the two huge spiders...that was a problem. both dead now. dan and jesse.

we went to the uptown art festival earlier this evening. awesome.

just watched hotel rwanda. amazing movie.

are there ditches in the cities??

Thursday, August 03, 2006


If I have not compassion on my fellowservant, even as my Lord had pity on me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I can easily discuss the shortcomings and the sins of any; if I can speak in a casual way even of a child's misdoings, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I can enjoy a joke at the expense of another; if I can in any way slight another in conversation, or even in thought, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I can write an unkind letter, speak an unkind word, think an unkind thought without grief and shame, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I am afraid to speak the truth, lest I lose affection, or lest the one concerned should say, "You do not understand," or because I fear to lose my reputation for kindness; if I put my own good name before the other's highest good, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I myself dominate myself, if my thoughts revolve around myself, if I am so occupied with myself I rarely have "a heart at leisure from itself," then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I cannot in honest happiness take the second place (or twentieth); if I cannot take the first without making a fuss about my unworthiness, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I do not give a friend "the benefit of the doubt," but put the worst construction instead of the best on what is said or done, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If I take offense easily; if I am content to continue in a cool unfriendliness, though friendship be possible, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If a sudden jar can cause me to speak an impatient, unloving word, then I know nothing of Calvary love. For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted.

If I say, "Yes, I forgive, but I cannot forget," as though the God, who twice a day washes all the sands on all the shores of all the world, could not wash such memories from my mind, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If souls can suffer alongside, and I hardly know it, because the spirit of discernment is not in me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If the praise of man elates me and his blame depresses me; if I cannot rest under misunderstanding without defending myself; if I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

If in the fellowship of service I seek to attach a friend to myself, so that others are caused to feel unwanted; if my friendships do not draw others deeper in, but are ungenerous, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

That which I know not, teach Thou me, O Lord, my God

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


upsurd...absurd. what's the big diff? no comment.


red-neckinn it up in the south of minnesota.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

a few nights ago...

ANDREA: "Dan, what are you doing?"
DAN: "I'm cutting up celery and putting it in water so it doesn't get bad."
STEPH: "I've never heard of that before. I didn't know water got bad."

Thursday, July 27, 2006

hola stranger

what up. what up. people. we are leaving right now to favorite starbucks...and will be back soon to post more. there will be plenty o pictures - trust us please. af and sj
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