Tuesday, December 07, 2010

another post from the 2520 girl who lives farthest from 2520!

Did you know that if you laugh underwater while snorkeling, people can hear you above water?

It's true!

Monday, November 29, 2010

a post from the 2520 girl who lives farthest from 2520...

...in hot, humid Brazil to say that you guys should really post!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello everyone! I'm Anna, the other new roommate here at 2520. Since Heather already beat me to the introductory blog post I guess I will just follow her lead.

Hopefully some of you know me...

I've been in MN for a little over 2 years now. I came up for the INSIGHT program, which is now Bethlehem College. For the past 2 years I've been a student at BCS and now I work at Desiring God as a Resource Consultant.

I grew up in Nebraska. My family is great, I have 3 brothers and my parents are wonderful. Our idea of a good time usually involves hunting, fishing, or College Football. Yes, I'm a Husker fan.

Some things that I love: Jesus, passport stamps, studying theology/bible, taking pictures, cooking, thunderstorms, gravel roads (or dirt paths as Steph likes to call them), watching movies, music, old books, being hospitable. The list goes on.

Seeing as the Myers-Briggs test is a crucial part of living at 2520 I would like to inform you that I'm an ESFJ.

So, If I don't know you...and you don't know me...please introduce yourself. Come by the 2520 house sometime. Caio!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Introductory Blog Post

Hello Philomath Blog Readers!

I'm Heather, the newest (well, one of two) roommates at the 2520 house! Since most of you probably have no clue who I am, my roommates thought it would be a good idea to "introduce myself" via the blog. So here goes. A few things about me...

- I love Jesus above all else.

- I have the best family in the world. No one can change my mind on that. I have an older sister, 2 younger brothers, and parents (of course). All 4 of us were born within 5.5 years. Yeah, growing up was pretty fun! And now I have a new brother! (Technically, he's my brother-in-law, but that's besides the point.)

- I have 3 best friends: my sister, Mom, and Gram.

- I'm a pediatric nurse.

- I'm an Iowa gal. Yes, I love being from Iowa. No, I'm not ashamed of it's lack of big cities and giant abundance of open space. Yes, I miss it. No, I don't eat corn at every meal.

-I'm a work hard/play hard kind of gal.

- I'm an ESTJ (shout out to Skronny!). For those of you who don't know what that means or what kind of personality an ESTJ has, here's a description, it's me in a teeny tiny nutshell:

"In general, ESTJs are doers who roll up their sleeves, dig in, and proceed directly to get the job done. They use logic and analysis as guiding principles for their lives. They are quick to decide and set a plan of action. They marshall resources in an organized fashion, implement, and follow through. They like closure. They focus directly on tasks to accomplish and are able to anticipate the steps needed to complete an assignment. In doing so, they see what might go wrong and take the necessary preventive action. They monitor events continually and make sure that commitments, both their own and those of others, are honored and the job gets done. They are at their best in situations that have some structure to them and involve activity, not contemplation, and in which an end product is desired."

- My last name is Flickinger. I don't know why, but that's REALLY hard for people. Hard to spell. Hard to say. Here's proof:

This is a REAL card that JCPenny sent me. Seriously. They took the information themselves. Come to our house and I'll show it to you, it's pretty funny :)

- I LOVE LAUGHING. It's sort of my "default reaction" if you will. I laugh when I'm happy, mad, sad, and especially when I'm nervous or tired. And I won't completely be myself around you until we've shared a good belly laugh.

- I'll try just about anything once...except for weird foods. I'm not very brave when it comes to weird food.

- My birthday is Christmas Eve and my parents brought me home from the hospital in a stocking (I guess that's something they used to do at Mary Greeley Hospital in the olden days). My mom still tells me every year on my birthday that I'm the best present she's ever received (say it with me now..."awwwww" :)

-I wouldn't call myself "dramatic" but I would definitely call myself "expressive"...which sometimes gets interpreted as dramatic.

- I really like to bake, but I hardly ever do it because I'd eat it all. That's never good.

- I. Love. Movies.

- My Granddaddy and Grandmother (aka Gram) are 2 of the greatest, most Godly, generous, loving, hilarious, fun, etc. etc. etc. people I know. And probably ever will know. I spend time with them every chance I get.

- I really think you should just come over to our house so I can meet you in person. I feel like I'm having a one-sided conversation with myself...


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

would you rather?

Eat a live cockroach every day for a month?

OR not shower or wash at all for an entire month?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Jason Calcote would like you to know that the 2520 house is currently composed of...

How well do you know the 2520 house? Guess who works where... I will give you a hint... there are 2 new roommates, and I'm one of them!

So comment and guess!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

the 3 things stephanie is afraid of.......

1. thunderstorms. particularly when the sky turns yellow.

2. dating and child-rearing.

3. flying.

what are you afraid of?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Vancouver. Twenty-ten.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time around 2520 knows that as a house we are incredibly committed to celebrating the Olympic games when they come around every 2 years. And when I say committed, I mean committed. We love them. Why, you may ask? I believe it is a combination of factors, the greatest of which has to be the drama. We all know how much 2520 loves drama. The drama of victory, of defeat, and of the specially prepared personal interest stories about each athlete that air between events (Steph's favorite). Mesmerizing. I could go on and on, but really, the question I want to pose to the world wide web is this: if each individual at 2520 were to participate in an Olympic event, which one would they be in and why? I would let you, our faithful readers, answer this question, but I think it'll be a lot more fun if I do. So here goes!

Steph: Clearly this bundle of energy with her penchant for performance and flair would be a natural at ice dancing. Flashy, sequined outfits, choreographed partner dancing, plastered smiles, catchy music to sing along to..........

Lacy: Calm. Collected. Focused. Sailing through the air, with soft landings on the powdery snow. I picture Lacy excelling at ski jumping, not only for her intense powers of concentration, but also because her legs are very flexible, allowing her to bend them at strange ski-jumping angles.

Brittany: With her trendy outdoor North Face snow outfits, nose ring and bleach-blonde hair, it was easy to see Brittany out on the slopes, with her feet strapped to a snowboard, leaping up over the edges of the half-pipe. Sweet 720 spinny move Britt!

Andrea: I had to think long and hard about Andrea, and nothing seemed to fit, until I realized that she needed to participate in a team sport. And not just any team sport. Ice hockey. What could be better than making the well dramatized movie "Miracle" a reality by actually pursuing her own "Miracle on Ice"?? Andrea, I'm sure you'd do great with Herb Brooks as your coach. He's so touchy, feely, you know?

Sarah: Last but not least, myself. Steph and I spent an evening last week watching short-track speed skating, and I knew I had found my event of choice. Intense, cut-throat, head-to-head competition. Pressure to perform. Speed. Skaters with large quadriceps. Clearly, I fit the bill. Key word there would be "competitive."

Well, friends, enjoy these weeks of splendid amateur athletics! And just think, the Olympics end, then March Madness is just around the corner. Yesssss! Until next time.........

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yesterday, I went into work and found this on my desk (photo compliments of Jon B...and his iphone):

Actually, the mouse sitting in my granola is compliments of him as well. This little, yucky, rubbery mouse has made it's rounds at DG...well...mostly between my desk, Seth's desk and Jon's office.

But I'm pretty sure I'm done eating that granola.

Speaking of pranks, we found the noise-maker you left in our house, Trent. You will be lucky if you get ever see it again :)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

chicken potpie with ham...and turkey.

Last week we decided to make chicken potpie from the Martha Stewart website. There were a few bumps along the way: Cooking it a week late. Not knowing what fennel bulbs or fennel seeds are. Not having the proper pans. But we managed. And had some great help from Bryan, Sarah & Stefan. We made a few changes, such as adding turkey, a few extra vegetables and not making them in the individual pans. But it was actually really good! Here's 2 pictures:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week #2 of our Cooking Endevour

Since the plan is to attempt cooking the meal for week 3 in a couple hours, we better show you what we cooked last week for our new recipe of the week. We had some, okay, quite a bit of help from some friends. So the credit goes not only to Steph and myself but also to: Anna, Rachel, Stefan, Celinda (and a couple tips from Sarah). Well, Tristan also helped by eating some of the lettuce wraps. We googled a recipe for lettuce wraps and the first to come up was from PF Changs. It was slightly time consuming (with the special sauce and all) but not super hard. I mean, we made them.

Here are some pictures:

Here's the recipe if you want to try them!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cooking - Week 1

So, in our effort to cook more and try new recipes, Steph and I made Swedish Meatballs on Monday night. In all honesty, they were not entirely a new for us. We'd made Norwegian Meatballs in the past and they seem to be pretty much the same. Technically though, it's was new. And since we're both Swedish, it was fun. Steph's always known she was Swedish and I just found out on Christmas Eve that I'm part Swedish...I never knew.

Here's some pictures from our cooking endeavor:

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So...I'm watching Julie & Julia again. A couple months ago, or whenever it was in the theater, I saw it with my friend, Karen. Of course it made me want to blog and cook more but sadly, it's not been super successful. But Steph and I do have a little dream (for the winter) to try out a new recipe once a week. It's a good plan, I think, but it hasn't exactly started yet. But winter didn't really officially start until Dec 21st, so we're not too far behind. Right? Maybe we will blog our results. Maybe.

In other news: short hair is a new rule for 2520 residents. Steph and I were the only ones with long hair but we just got tons cut off. Steph, 10 inches and mine...well, we didn't measure, so I'll just say 8...

Steph before (you don't need to pay any attention to Sarah...she has pretty much the same hairstyle):


Me with my hair:

Me after (and with the tea-pot my roommates gave me as a birthday gift):

And...of course...Katie Steller...who cut all our hair off....

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