Wednesday, September 27, 2006

an INCREDIBLE deal!!

So here's the deal....4 12-packs for $9.00, but then the best part is that if you buy 4 you get a $5.00 gift card! It works out to be $1.00/12-pack (some of the cans are 8cents while the others are 9cents each).
Oh yeah, the deal is at Target. SO, visit your local Target TODAY (well at least before Saturday). Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

T-minus two days before the conference. Get excited.

Anonymous said...

i like a good deal. and this is a great one!!

Anonymous said...

why aren't you showing up????

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

As my dad would say...don't forget to floss the sugar bugs off your teeth after you drink soda pop.

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