Wednesday, December 06, 2006

E-mailing frenzy!

Welcome to 2006. A year where we have all tasted a little bit of everything. Facebook, monkey greetings, attachments, pictures, month-long dissertations on proper gifts, [ie: chalkboards.], and skype. The list goes on and on.


Have you ever wondered how the heck do e-mails work? And, how are they sent from across the world to your very own computer at home? How does the system work? Am I the only one that doesn't know how e-mails work and the madness behind them? This type of correspondence is absolute craziness. I am about to embark upon a new quest to find the very answers to my thought-provoking questions.

Seeking answers with you,


Anonymous said...

good question steph!

Anonymous said...

wow. thats deep. how do you come up with these intense questions?? well, email is obviously magic...but thats the only one i can answer at the moment :)

Anonymous said...

i like your thoughts, katie. keep 'em coming. :)

Anonymous said...

well I thought that every one new that emails are sent by e birds little microsopic birds that fly at extreme speeds around the world carring messages from one computer to the next I don't know all the details but I am pretty sure that this is true.

Anonymous said... THAT makes sense! wow...isnt it an amazing world we live in! ya learn new things every day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

name, please?

Anonymous said...

I'm SO right with you, sister.
You, go, girl! Real far! Farther!
Keep going!...oh...Wait...Look out for that...!

oh, sad.

Anonymous said...

thank you jesse for your post.
i'm serious, finding another comment on the blog is the best christmas present a girl could ask for.
still seeking answers--

merry christmas peeps!!!! :)

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