Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Truth

well, there comes a time in every womans life when they must find another soul to spend the rest of there lives with, and our household has been realizing this more and more as of late. i will now give you an update on each of our love-lives. we will start with our dear friend andrea who has found the man of her dreams and will be announcing her engagement to him in a few days (so this is kind of like a preview! isnt that intense??). next we will go to ellie who has so many guys after her that she doesnt know what to do, so she has decided to move to africa where she can marry multiple men legally. stephanie, on the other hand, has decided to start the very first baptist convent and become a nun. i would give you an update on courtney but im pretty sure she would highly object. so yes, to all those fellows out there who are madly in love with the girls of 2520, BACK OFF! they are ALL TAKEN!!! so sorry, sucks for you, you should've gotten over your immature boy nerves and been the first to declare your love, now its too late. way to go. we will be holding a party for all you losers who failed on february 14th, where we will have live music and cheetos. well, that is all, i hope you can go about your lives as close to normal as possible, and if any of you find you are suffering from any type of depression please find help. we care about you.
- this is written by there dear friend Katie S (also known as the all-knowing love counselor)


Anonymous said...

I have no words.

Anonymous said...

i obviously have plenty of words. so leave it to me :)

Anonymous said...

what up...our middle names are the same!

Anonymous said...

i know!!!!!! how intense is that?! we are cool.

Anonymous said...

Yea about Courtney (a.k.a. Tarter-Sauce) I'm pretty sure she would object to being involved in that....Steph on the other hand is in no way in heaven or hell going to become a nun. She is way to pretty and nice to not date men and eventually marry someone....If Steph became a nun men around the world (especially Asia) would riot..it wouldn't be safe in the streets. Andrea, I have come to the conclusion will never marry based on the fact that no Man living is worthy of her. Its almost a known fact that she is the greatest person alive. Ellie will coldly be left out of this comment as punishment for the shenanigans (Def: A deceitful trick; an underhanded act)[look it up] she pulled the night before my 18th birthday. Sara I don't know well enough to talk about in this comment. But all I have to say is the 3 afore mentioned girls from 2520 are the coolest 24 year old girls I have ever met. You guys rock.

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