Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bet #1 (of many)

This video takes place at the Metrodome during the Twins home opener. Stephanie dared Courtney to stand up and yell at the top of her lungs "I LOVE Michael Cuddyer!!" She said she would give Courtney $5 if she did it....well, Courtney did it, but I'm not sure if Steph ever paid up!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

travesty averted.

Wednesday, 7:52 pm. The living room at 2520 has been restored to order. Sarah has been at her wits end for the past 23 minutes because the Twins game was blacked off our TV. She couldn't figure out what was going on. Katie S. and Sarah promptly got on their cell phones to find out who in the metro area was able to get the game on their TV. Katie talked to Pastor Steller and Erik Holst. Neither were of much help. Sarah called her father, but he was not home. She then called her sister and was miffed because the Twins game came through on her parent's television in White Bear Lake. Sarah decided that this game was supposed to be on our television and something was wrong. We scrambled to find the Direct TV bill so she could call customer service and find out the problem. In the meantime, she continued fiddling with the remote and all of a sudden the Twins game appeared and the Hallelujah chorus rang forth.

The three of us are relieved, because as you can see, Sarah is again calm and happy. Listen to some of her soundbites:

"I am beyond relieved."

"This is what I'm talking about, Twins games on TV!"

"I was about to have a hernia"

"This is what summer is about"

"Justin Morneausee is going to hit a homerunsee"

"I gotta email some of my friends in Baltimore and tell them their team stinks."

OH, THIS IS RIDICULOUS... now about 8 minutes after the game appears on the TV, Sarah says, "You guys I'm tired, I think I'm going to go to bed."

AHHHHHH...the Twins just scored again and are up 4-0. Boo-ya.
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