Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bet #1 (of many)

This video takes place at the Metrodome during the Twins home opener. Stephanie dared Courtney to stand up and yell at the top of her lungs "I LOVE Michael Cuddyer!!" She said she would give Courtney $5 if she did it....well, Courtney did it, but I'm not sure if Steph ever paid up!!!


Anonymous said...

you made it work! ahaha gosh i love courtney. im proud of you, girl!

Gabby Huerta said...

haha she BETTER have payed up! I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping this video will be a visual aid to the upcoming "Qualities of a Godly Woman, Part 3."

Christi Joy said...

LOL. Oh my goodness!! I can't believe Courtney actually did it. :D That is sooo awesome.

Courtney Reissig said...

Oh John Thomas, that is a wonderful idea! Way to encourage your sisters in Christ towards biblical womanhood!

Now Christian women across the world can feel free to affirm their brothers by declaring undying love for them in public. And by across the world, I mean across BBC, and by across BBC, I mean the youth group. Because lets face it, I think only you and the high school girls read my blog. :)

Molly said...

i think you girls are hilarious! and i'm waiting on pins and needles to hear of any recent interactions with a certain ebullient bald-headed preacher who shall remain nameless...

Courtney Reissig said...

Thank you for posting, Molly. It made our night.

The post on the nameless, bald-headed pastor is forthcoming. Very soon, indeed.

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