Hi! This is Modern Life with Gabby and Beau!
Gabby:What should our topic be?
Beau: um.....why do they make oversized objects...
Gabby: haha we did that last time.
Beau: I know! Is a muffin a bald cupcake?
Gabby: Yes it is. But that's a stupid topic. Let's do something on DDR!
Beau: Gabby, you're always so critical of me... do you hate me?
Gabby: Beau, i'm just trying to boost your self confidence...
Beau: You just de-boosted it.
Gabby: Well sorry, i'm not setting out to be Oprah with her feel-good, you-can-do-it gospel of self-centered self.....ness... Besides, I look better when you look bad.
Beau: Wow, that was a lot of adjectives...
Gabby: Okay....whatever. Now on to our real topic for Modern Life for today. Ellie so kindly brought to our attention, that nowadays, people never have raingear. Why is that? Has the weather changed since the 1950s? Where have the Indian Rubbers gone?
Beau: hmmm... soggy cupcake..
Gabby: *gives Beau a sidelong glance* Probably something to do with global warming.
Beau: *Gasp* melted cupcake? Ok... enough cupcakes... PIE!!!
Gabby: I like apple pie...
Beau: Chickens go in... pies come out...
Gabby: CHICKEN RUN! (I actually didn't know that reference...) Anyway, raingear.
Beau: Ah yes, raingear. I believe, my dear Gabby, that the lack of water proof apparel is due to the fact that people just don't care about being soaked to the bone anymore.. they just... don't.
Gabby: *sings* "Belice nabida..."
Beau: That's Feliz navidad....
Gabby: I think it's due to the fact that outer appearance doesn't have as much social importance as it did back then....
Beau: I OBJECT!!!
Gabby: Why?
Beau: I don't know.. but it was fun to say.
Gabby: Like marriage!
Beau: I don't get the married thing...
Gabby: You know when people get married at weddings (Steph gets it).
Beau: *sings* I'm ssiinnggiinngg in the rain... just ssiinnggiinngg in the rain!
Gabby: I think it's because shiny, rubbering garments don't really bring out anyone's eyecolor or soften anyone's complexion. Rain coats just don't look good on anyone.
Beau: YOU don't look good anymore. HA!
Steph interrupts: Beau can I ask you a personal question?
Beau: *stammering*: I-I guess....
Steph: Do guys wash their faces?
Beau: Michael does. *shrugs*
Gabby and Andrea: *outbursts of laughter*
Steph: Does Trey wash his face...I think Trey does...
*laughter seems to be raining from the ceiling. Like a tornado of sillyness; floating around the room.*
Beau: For the record, Beau washes his face too... much... lots... once an hour.. very much so..
*New Paragraph*
Hi! Welcome to modern life with Gabby and Beau!!
Gabby: um... we're past that...
Beau: oh... well then I have nothing else to say.
Gabby: Yeah, and apparently Steph is ready to "hit the hay".
Andrea: The moment past Gabby...
Beau: Ok steph, you can hit the hay but just don't hurt it... it has feelings.
Gabby: That's a horrible joke....Steph doesn't get it.
Steph: What? Like straw-hay? What? What hay? I don't get it....Andrea...explain...OFF THE RECORD!!! No!! I want to know!! This hay I....I haven't heard it before! No! I'm 25! Wait! No! Wait! This is really embarrassing...! What hay...?
Andrea: No you said " I'm going to hit the hay!"
Steph: No you know you mean like "Hey! Hey!"?
Andrea: No you said that!
Steph: What hay are YOU talking about?
Beau: Whatever hay you're talking about!
Andrea: Are you making this up?
Steph: No! I'm not trying to be funny!
Andrea: What part don't you get!!!!
Steph: NEvermind i'm done....
5 minutes of this later.....
Steph: oooooohhhhh........
Beau: It doesn't matter what kind of hay....
Steph: I think I get it....I'm so confused....
Gabby: After this enlightening conversation....THIS HAS BEEN *ahem* WITH GABBY AND BEAU (and Andrea and Steph). Thanks for tuning in and until next time....
Gabby, Beau, Steph, Andrea: GOODBYE!
Beau: P.S.- And God bless us, everyone!