Wednesday, September 12, 2007

lunch break at DG...

So, we're sitting/standing here on our lunch break at DG. It's Ellie, Katie and Andrea. Katie is eating her beans and rice (sorry katie. i guess it's rice and beans) that she made last night. Ellie & Andrea are each eating a sandwich. Joe Sweetman keeps walking by inquiring about what we are doing.

We thought we would write about one of our co-workers, Aaron O'Harra. He is a TBI Student at Bethlehem and a fellow RC (to A & K). He was born in Idaho and lived in Washington state. He actually just returned from a visit to Seattle! Also, he has a great wife and cute little baby girl. Some of things we love about Aaron:

-he eats no-salt saltine crackers and complains about it and shares them with us
-he gives us CD's from his old band and sings often while at work
-his mumbling voice makes callers think his name is Darren, not Aaron
-gives great advice and always has a listening ear :)
-he loves Jesus and that is evident.
-answers the hard, theological emails.
-at 5:00pm he is OUT THE DOOR. no lingering around.
-he is fasting from sugar until thanksgiving.
-he likes hanson.
-he lives in gabe & julia's old apartment.
-he's like a brother and our relationship with him is based on a lot of joking.
-he's very perceptive of our moods and always asks what's wrong if we are quiet (or crabby).
-he doesn't complain at camp (that is DG camp). only those who have been to BBC camp know what that means!
-he hasn't shaved in a while because he left his razor in seattle and obviously that is the only one he can use.

here comes joe again...and we need to get back to work. of course aaron is sitting over there working hard!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we work with Aaron! It's definitely fun having a guy in our area!

Anonymous said...

i love how aaron answers the hard, theological emails and listens to hanson! can i say, "MMMMBOP?!" love these person profile interesting!

hey aaron! (a personal shout-out on the blog--since you obviously read it!) :)

Fly_Away said...

Hey! I KNOW AARON! So I get to share in his fame!

Three cheers for Trenton!

Fly_Away said...

PS - This might need to be confirmed by him, but I heard that he once wanted to go to the mall to see Hillary Duff promoting her new movie because he wanted to see what how famous people handle themselves.

Fly_Away said...

PPS - Call Aaron a "dirty monkey" or "flesh bag".

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