Sunday, November 25, 2007

a french beat

our attempt to be just as cool as he is:

do you have what it takes?

This is what happens when we innocently start playing a game of DDR and it turns competitive against the TV. Sarah was at work, Ellie was babysitting and Steph was with some friends, Andy and Sarah had just left and we were left at home and were home-worked out. There seemed to be only one logical choice: play DDR. The first video is a pre-video gone wrong. The second is taken during a 'B' round.

After seven rigorous rounds of the same song, we finally achieved our goal: A's for both of us! We now refer to each other as DDR Masters.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


The Cross
Warm Beds
Church and Bethlehem
Body of Christ
Youth Group
Blog Readers, but mostly those who comment
Good Haircuts
Chocolate Milk and Diet Coke (not Ellie!)
Super Target
DG and the Conferences
Sarah's Bed (and for Sarah of course)
Everyone's Unique Personality
Words spoken in Truth and Love
Good Cup of Coffee
Books, C.S. Lewis books
Strong Leadership
Provision for our needs
Sermons from C.J. Mahaney, JP, Mark Driscoll
Water Bottles and Straws
Good Marriages and Good Parenting
Crafts (clearly that was Katie Haas speaking)
Good Health
Basketball (Katie wants to make it clear she is not thankful for that)
Music, especially worship

The list could go on and on of the many blessings we have to be thankful for. Above all we are thankful to be chosen daughters of the KING! Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

show & tell

our vacuum cleaner has not been working very well and tonight i figured out why. i started vacuuming the stairs and after about seven or eight steps, the vacuum just shut off because of a clog. i opened up the front and saw a big clump of something that looked like a dead rat with fur. i started pulling and it just kept coming. it was not a dead animal, it was our hair. that is weird, but the weirdest part is that the hair segregated itself according to it's color. we've attached a picture, but it doesn't give the full effect. seriously, this is one of the nastiest (but coolest) things we've seen in a while.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


I didn't watch the season in which Tony Almeida supposedly died, but was so sad when I heard about his death. Mostly through wishful thinking I was determined that he would come back to the show. Most people thought I was crazy...

BUT, a couple days ago Steph told me that she heard from Courtney (who I'm just guessing found out through a blog) that he is coming back in the 2008 season :) and I just googled it and it looks like it's true. In my (subjective) opinion, this is a really good attempt to redeem the show from last year's horrible season.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Pete and Jess!

Pete and Jess are engaged! Congratulations guys! WOO HOOO!!!
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