Saturday, August 30, 2008

turtle riding or not?

So tonight we somehow started talking about turtles and it reminded me that I rode a turtle when I was young. This statement, however, brought about much laughing from Steph. She insisted that I must be wrong and had actually ridden a llama instead. She said that people don't ride turtles and that they are little creatures.

Now, even though it is really late and we are tired, we have pulled out the computer and started googling things like: "people on turtles," "sea turtles," etc. We were not able to find an adequate picture, so I wasn't able to prove anything. Have any of you ridden on a turtle before? By the way, my parents have a picture...someday I will find it. Steph wants everyone to know that I've also ridden an elephant and a camel. Steph did ride some coin horses at the supermarket when she was growing up...and a merry-go-round.


RCEC said...

"...and a merry-go round" I love it! But you must have been a small kid and that turtle must have been big because this is hard to believe.

Fly_Away said...
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Fly_Away said...

I don't know about sea turtles just because of the fact that they don't have legs, only flippers, so it might have had to have been in the water. But a TORTOISE on the other hand...

Thats what you meant. And don't search "riding on a tortoise" on google. For whatever reason, the first hit is a very disturbing picture.

Courtney Reissig said...

I wish I had been there. I would have laughed a lot, too. I have never heard of turtle-riding, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible. Have you seen how big some of them get?

Waldemar Family said...

I rode a tortoise as a kid at Como Zoo back in the 60's-70's.

Anonymous said...

yes, I was there too and rode the turtle with her. I hope you don't find the picture...our clothes were not very stylish.


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