This poor, homeless, kitty has been camped outside our house (either the under the front porch or the back, alternately) and has continued it's campaign for mercy for over a week. I'm convinced that the poor cat has been abandoned by it's owners and is in search of a new home. Who knows how many houses the cat has passed up in search of a house that she was convinced would show her mercy. She undoubtedly watched our house from a distance for many weeks before deciding that, yes, this indeed would be the perfect home. She saw the stream of people who came and went from the house, she heard laughter and singing, she smelled enticing smells and felt love. Yes, this indeed would be home. A place for her to lay her head. A place for her to do her part in the cleaning of crumbs off the floor and protecting from any rodents that might try to enter. She would even do her part in keeping the numerous squirrel population at bay.
Alas, when she arrived at the house, sure of a welcome, she was instead greeted with shrieks of fear, was shooed off the dry (although cold) shelter the deck provided--she was confused. Days went by, cold nights marked long must she wait for a morsel of food, a comforting pat, a warm, dry place to sleep?
If you too feel compassion for this poor cat (whom we decided to call Ellie, since Ellie the person is leaving in 11 days) and are willing to do as the 2520 girls are unwilling to do (namely give Ellie a home)--please let us know! We are pretty sure that she is, or used to be, an indoor cat and for some reason has become separated from her family. She does not have a collar, but is friendly to people and seems comfortable indoors.
Please help her before it's too late!! (WARNING: all blow-gun owners, STAY AWAY from Ellie!!)
I like your writing, Ellie (I'm talking to the person).
I'll let you know if we decide that Garbage needs an upstairs friend. But I kind of doubt it. They'd probably fight and make our lives miserable.
Steph, is this the same cat that was trying to intrude into the house house while we were talking on the phone??
yes...yes it is...
Tyler, Ellie would be forever grateful to you if you adopted her (I'm talking about the cat).
For the moment she has a home outside of our a tipped-over rubbermaid barrel (complete with a blanket). We're feeding her, or I should say I'm feeding her--which has caused some division in the house, but I think most members of 2520 will tolerate her presence as long as she doesn't set foot inside the house!
I hate cats.
On second thought, I am pretty sure I have adverse feelings towards most animals. :)
Courtney - I'm with you on the cat part. I don't like em. And this cat is annoying - like a lot of them are! I don't think the cat will be staying here for long....
I would totally be with you on this one, Andrea, if I was still living there.
cute pics.
not sure i can handle her though.
don't like those cats.
but i like you guys.
that's good.
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