Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness. Madness, this is madness...

So, March Madness is finally here and we are really happy about it!!  Oh yeah.  Right now, the Purdue/Northern Iowa game is on, and I'm pulling for Purdue.  I have them in the Final Four!  I don't know if that's a good choice or not...meh.

Tonight, our own MINNESOTA GOPHERS (go blake!) are playing Texas at 6:10pm.  Yeee-haww!  And, can I get a "boom?"

We are gonna watch the games this weekend, so if you like college ball and have a heart for free-throws, then come on over!


Bryan said...

Uh, boom.

Nothing happened...

Anonymous said...


MN teams always seem to let me down.

Anonymous said...

Two really good games on last night--just to throw that out there!

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