Sunday, August 29, 2010

would you rather?

Eat a live cockroach every day for a month?

OR not shower or wash at all for an entire month?


crystal bowers said...

um. totally the no wash/shower thing.

or the cockroach if i could cook them.. but live?? NOO WAYY!! sick.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would say this-- but I would rather not take a shower for a month.

Stephanie G said...

Definitely no wash/shower. Seriously, I freak out just thinking about roaches, much less putting one (live or dead) in my mouth! ICK!

Unknown said...

Definitely the not showering over eating something like that...yuck! There are other ways to keep up with one's hygiene.

Katie Burns said...

I am in agreement with everyone else. There is no way that I would eat a cockroach...not even once.
What would steph rather do?

Anonymous said...

no shower.

fo sho.

Heather H said...

def. not shower. I gag a little just thinking about eating a cockroach....

Becky said...

Definitely not shower. There's no comparison! Cockroaches are evil.

Courtney Reissig said...

No shower. Hands down. It's not like I shower every day anyways... :)


skronny said...

i feel like stirring the pot. those cockroaches sound delicious! least my armpits won't smell.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...I agree with skronny...cooked roaches with some special seasonings go well alongside some good 'ol swedes (Swedish sausages)!

-Skronny's brosef, the Kron Bone

Anonymous said...

I would definitely NOT shower. I usually go without a shower every week anyway... what is another three weeks on top of it?

-The Kron Bone's wife due with child any day.

Nick Laparra said...

I'd eat roaches for sure. No doubt. Seriously.

Emily Tarter said...

We just had a roach on our screen door the other day...and recalling how extremely ugly it was just sitting there, much less after it scurried away...definitely not showering!!

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