Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Introductory Blog Post

Hello Philomath Blog Readers!

I'm Heather, the newest (well, one of two) roommates at the 2520 house! Since most of you probably have no clue who I am, my roommates thought it would be a good idea to "introduce myself" via the blog. So here goes. A few things about me...

- I love Jesus above all else.

- I have the best family in the world. No one can change my mind on that. I have an older sister, 2 younger brothers, and parents (of course). All 4 of us were born within 5.5 years. Yeah, growing up was pretty fun! And now I have a new brother! (Technically, he's my brother-in-law, but that's besides the point.)

- I have 3 best friends: my sister, Mom, and Gram.

- I'm a pediatric nurse.

- I'm an Iowa gal. Yes, I love being from Iowa. No, I'm not ashamed of it's lack of big cities and giant abundance of open space. Yes, I miss it. No, I don't eat corn at every meal.

-I'm a work hard/play hard kind of gal.

- I'm an ESTJ (shout out to Skronny!). For those of you who don't know what that means or what kind of personality an ESTJ has, here's a description, it's me in a teeny tiny nutshell:

"In general, ESTJs are doers who roll up their sleeves, dig in, and proceed directly to get the job done. They use logic and analysis as guiding principles for their lives. They are quick to decide and set a plan of action. They marshall resources in an organized fashion, implement, and follow through. They like closure. They focus directly on tasks to accomplish and are able to anticipate the steps needed to complete an assignment. In doing so, they see what might go wrong and take the necessary preventive action. They monitor events continually and make sure that commitments, both their own and those of others, are honored and the job gets done. They are at their best in situations that have some structure to them and involve activity, not contemplation, and in which an end product is desired."

- My last name is Flickinger. I don't know why, but that's REALLY hard for people. Hard to spell. Hard to say. Here's proof:

This is a REAL card that JCPenny sent me. Seriously. They took the information themselves. Come to our house and I'll show it to you, it's pretty funny :)

- I LOVE LAUGHING. It's sort of my "default reaction" if you will. I laugh when I'm happy, mad, sad, and especially when I'm nervous or tired. And I won't completely be myself around you until we've shared a good belly laugh.

- I'll try just about anything once...except for weird foods. I'm not very brave when it comes to weird food.

- My birthday is Christmas Eve and my parents brought me home from the hospital in a stocking (I guess that's something they used to do at Mary Greeley Hospital in the olden days). My mom still tells me every year on my birthday that I'm the best present she's ever received (say it with me now..."awwwww" :)

-I wouldn't call myself "dramatic" but I would definitely call myself "expressive"...which sometimes gets interpreted as dramatic.

- I really like to bake, but I hardly ever do it because I'd eat it all. That's never good.

- I. Love. Movies.

- My Granddaddy and Grandmother (aka Gram) are 2 of the greatest, most Godly, generous, loving, hilarious, fun, etc. etc. etc. people I know. And probably ever will know. I spend time with them every chance I get.

- I really think you should just come over to our house so I can meet you in person. I feel like I'm having a one-sided conversation with myself...



Gabby Huerta said...

dear Heather,
I don't know who you are-- YET. And I have seen my fair share of 2520 girls rotate through that house. But let me reassure you (as if you had any doubts left after spending two seconds in the 2520 house) that you most definitely BELONG. Hopefully you will be around next summer and I will get to meet you! :P

all my love to all the 2520 residents, new and old a like,

Courtney said...

When I showed Daniel the pic of the JC Penney card he said "what's that word say?" Oh please, he knows what that word says. :)

Love to all my 2520 friends!

ps: Heather, being a 2520 girl will change your life. Seriously.


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