Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year Everyone!

In honor of leap year, our boss at DG (that is Katie & Andrea's boss) Mike Tong decided we should celebrate since this day comes along only once every four years. So at 4pm we leaped. After watching the youtube videos of two remote employees who took part in the event, everyone in the office took turns lining up at the starting tape. We were not allowed to make any running starts (much to our dismay because that's the way we practiced). Each person leaped twice in a row and the one who went the furthest won a $15 Chipotle gift card. Here's Jon Bloom (not the winner):

If you want to see videos of any of the other contestants, let us know.

Here are the results and the youtube links (in an email from Mike):

Thank you everyone who came out today – the event was a great success! No one got hurt (except Andrea in pre-event training) and we even had entries from Dan and Jeff.

Here are the final results (from the nicest try to the furthest leap):

11’11” Kate Martin

13’7” Katie Haas

13’11” John Knight

14’1” Sarah

14’11” Seth Magnuson and Jon Bloom

(They jumped together, holding hands for safety)

15’ Andrea Froehlich

16’8” Dan Brendsel

17’11” Tyler Kenney

18’1” Peter Melling

23’3” Jeff McFadden

(You be the judge)

Congratulations, Peter! Thanks for showing us that if we really believe in our dreams, we can LEAP as high as the sky!

Mike Tong

Leap Day Event Coordinator

Monday, February 25, 2008

random assortment of thoughts...

Yes, the blog still exists.

It has been a while since I have posted, so I will go ahead and give it a go.

So many things have been going on in the 2520 house. Ellie is in Colorado for training before she leaves for Brazil. We miss you, Ellie! The house isn't quite the same without you. Your room looks...well...clean. Katie is leaving for Boston on March 6th and will visit Meg and Aaron. I am a little jealous. I really like Boston. I hope that she has a fun and refreshing time with them! Sarah was at her cabin this past weekend, and we are awaiting her return. She has been knitting a ton in the past couple of months. This hobby has just re-surfaced. Andrea is taking piano lessons this semester and has graced us with her piano playing. Quite good. I can hum along to some of the songs. I finally quit my job at Starbucks and have started working for my dad at the office. It has been good. So far.

I have recently picked up the book, When People Are Big, and God is Small and really love it! This book talks about overcoming the fear of man and people pleasing. It is really good. If you haven't read it--READ IT! This book is probably one of the most helpful books I have ever read.

Ohh! Sarah is HOME!!

That's all. Hope everyone is doing well. Don't forget to comment. :)

(The picture was taken when Courtney came to visit.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Isaiah 6

Man. We have not posted in a while.

At the fall youth retreat, Kempton (the new youth pastor at BBC) preached some great messages on Isaiah 6. Here is one of them. You should listen to it...



Friday, February 01, 2008

in honor of katie haas on her birthday.

Katrina!! We love you so much. It has been such a blessing to become closer to you over the past year - as a friend, roommate, coworker, sister in Christ, dance dance revolution and singing partner, fellow model (see pictures below), partner "calling the cops in the middle of the night," purchaser of brown mary-jane crocs, camper, movie star, member of costco, learner of fighter verses, student at theological foundations and U of MN, broomball player, youth group mentor, retreat go-er, pranker (brownies, cars, ridgewood and such)...

You are such an encouragement to us in so many ways. And we are so grateful that you were born :) (cheesy...or corny?) Really. We are though. AND glad that you moved into 2520. We were all pretty sad when Courtney moved out, but the Lord is so gracious and good in allowing you to move in. From the day you moved in, it has been obvious that you belong here.

One more thing. Your diverse interests such as smiling and laughing have brought us to the knowledge that we should also add them to our facebook interests.

February 1st, 1984 a wee lass was born into the Haas family of Hugo, MN. Look how far she has come now...
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