Friday, February 01, 2008

in honor of katie haas on her birthday.

Katrina!! We love you so much. It has been such a blessing to become closer to you over the past year - as a friend, roommate, coworker, sister in Christ, dance dance revolution and singing partner, fellow model (see pictures below), partner "calling the cops in the middle of the night," purchaser of brown mary-jane crocs, camper, movie star, member of costco, learner of fighter verses, student at theological foundations and U of MN, broomball player, youth group mentor, retreat go-er, pranker (brownies, cars, ridgewood and such)...

You are such an encouragement to us in so many ways. And we are so grateful that you were born :) (cheesy...or corny?) Really. We are though. AND glad that you moved into 2520. We were all pretty sad when Courtney moved out, but the Lord is so gracious and good in allowing you to move in. From the day you moved in, it has been obvious that you belong here.

One more thing. Your diverse interests such as smiling and laughing have brought us to the knowledge that we should also add them to our facebook interests.

February 1st, 1984 a wee lass was born into the Haas family of Hugo, MN. Look how far she has come now...


andrea said...

Love you Katie Haas! :)

I pray that the Lord gives you a great 24th year!!!

love, steph

Katie said...

haha! wow thanks guys! I'm astonished...and slightly embarrased!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Katie!
I love you!

Courtney Reissig said...

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Molly said...

Happy, HAPPY birthday Katie!

Fly_Away said...

My favorites are the the scary spatula wielding katie and goblin katie in the last photo

smm said...

Your 1st photo looks like the cover of a B horror movie!

I hope you had a good Birthday Kate-O!

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