Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A belated birthday post for Sarah

We were in much turmoil regarding the birthday post for Sarah. Her birthday this year was on Easter and we didn't know if it would be appropriate to post about Sarah on such a significant day as Easter. So, that's why it's a belated birthday post.

Here are some of our favorite memories of Sarah (not in any particular order):

1. Sailing.

2. Blue Nile (x2).

3. Her laughing until she was crying.

4. Cleaning out the fridge.

5. Head dancing.

6. Stuffing grapes in her mouth.

7. Granola.

8. Asking if the ice cream was vanilla based at Culvers.

9. Watching movies.

10. Covering our tracks so that she didn't know we slept in her bed.

p.s. the above reason, appropriateness of posting, also applies to why we didn't post for Andrea (her birthday is on Christmas)


Courtney Reissig said...

Oh, I remember Blue Nile. What an adventure!

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Tommy said...

Can we get a blue nile round two post? A document-ARY of the event?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I love you.

the big 2-6!


skronny said...

thanks guys. i feel loved.

Anonymous said...

The head-dancing bit was very funny.

-Ryan Kron

Anonymous said...

Where did you get those cool glasses, Sarahhh?

-Ryan Kron

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