Friday, May 09, 2008

26 things you may or may not know about steph

1. loves hockey
2. went to norwegian and korean culture camp as a child
3. in HS, went to choir class early to take her friend, Angela's chair
4. bakes a lot
5. plays on a girl's softball team
6. didn't notice the fishy tasting water last month because as she said, she "doesn't really drink water."
7. has had braces twice, one root canal, cap, and wisdom teeth pulled
8. does not like hot weather
9. has a brother living in australia
10. became a christian in high school
11. went to chipotle three times in one day when they were giving away burritos
12. graduated from the u of mn with a major in family social science
13. loves swedish fish
14. was a swimmer in high school
15. wears contacts and does not own a pair of glasses
16. would rather stay in a hotel than in a tent
17. has two brothers and one sister
18. is a small group mentor
19. grew up in shoreview, mn
20. loves it when 9pm rolls around because that means free cell phone minutes
21. was left on a doorstep as a baby
22. has worked at starbucks, great clips and family dentistry
23. the drink she is most likely to order at starbucks is an americano
24. usual grocery store purchases: a couple apples, two little things of yogurt, reduced fat cheez-its, bag of pretzels, pasta, soup -- and that's about it.
25. is a great roommate
26. can't parallel park to save her life

(May 10th)


Christi Joy said...


Anonymous said...

Also, if I understand correctly, her heart will melt for the right Tony Almeida impersonator.

Fly_Away said...

Happy Birthday Steph!

#27 She has a pretty mean "passing" arm

Anonymous said...

Makes a really, really mean Cafe Latte Turtle Cake.

happy birthday, steph! i love you a lot!

Waldemar Family said...

Fun post. We love Steph!

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for a great birthday!

love, steph

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