Thursday, June 26, 2008

Remember the 1996 Summer Olympics?

Probably the best Olympics ever. Tonight (12 years later), Steph, Katie and I pulled out the VHS tapes of the women's gymnastics. It's bringing back great memories and tears from some.

Some quotes from watching:
Steph: "I'm getting nervous...I can't watch."
Katie: "I think I'm going to cry." Steph: "Me too."
Steph: "This is like ti-vo...I thought I'd have time for a bathroom break..."

We decided to Google some of the pictures of the girls to see what they look like now. Some of them look so different! Can you name who is who in the current pictures?

Jaycie Phelps, Dominique Moceanu, Shannon Miller, Dominique Dawes (Awesome Dawesome), Amy Chow, Amanda Borden and Kerri Strug.


1 comment:

Gabby Huerta said...

i love you guys. Can me and Bep come over tomorrow night?

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