Tuesday, July 01, 2008

hip-hop and Na

When I was at the New Attitude Conference last month I bought a couple CD's. One of them is called 'The Atonement,' by Shai Linne. He came and sang a song at church a few months ago and he sang at the conference as well. I don't normally listen to much rap/hip-hop but I have really enjoyed this CD. The words of his song's are excellent. And he even has a few songs with some John Piper and CJ Mahaney sermon clips. At the conference, Shai Linne sang a short version of one of his songs. Sorry it's so dark. It was real dark in the room.

Another CD I bought was the 'Looked Upon' CD by the Na Band. The leader of the band, Devon Kauflin led the worship songs with his dad, Bob Kauflin at the conference and it was some of the greatest singing time I've ever experienced. The CD does not compare to the live singing but I still really like it and would recommend both of these CDs...


Tommy said...

Were you giggling as he rapped?

Courtney Reissig said...

um, yes. it's not every day that you get to have a personal concert from a real live Christian rapper.

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