Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why I Love 2520

Hello all of you 2520 readers out there (and a special shout out to our anonymous readers, especially RS, you know who you are). This is a guest post from Courtney, a former 2520 resident. While the girls are playing DDR I thought I would let all of their readership know how much I love and appreciate them. So here are some top reasons why I love the 2520 girls (and hopefully you will see that you should love them, too!).

  1. They make me love Jesus more. Not only do they point me to him constantly, but their lives reflect a genuine love for the Savior.
  2. They make me laugh. Awkward moments. Enough said.
  3. They are such fun girls!
  4. They are not afraid to tell me the truth.
  5. They love God's Word.
  6. They love God's people (families, singles, and children).
  7. They are extremely hospitable. I have never seen girls open their home like they do!
  8. They consider me a sister (and life-long roommate).
  9. They would drop everything for a friend in need, and they will cry with me when I need a good cry.
  10. They pushed me to run the "Courtney Marathon."

P.S. They are all single!


RCEC said...

I love them too! Big Hugs!

Fly_Away said...

Well they aren't ALLL single.

Our Family said...

They are SUPER PRECIOUS! We love them all!!!

Waldemar Family said...

Yes, we love them too!

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