Thursday, April 23, 2009

Question from Trent...

Is it un-biblical if a girl asks a guy out?


Gabby Huerta said...

I am going to go out on a limb and risk being called a heathen and say


ehl said...


I honestly don't know. Here's another question: do guys want to be asked out?

I don't think I'd ever ask a guy out....

Tommy said...

Here's another question: is it un-biblical to even ask this question?

(Zinger, right? I know...)

dre said...

t-bone, of course you would answer in this way...

1. respond with a question of your own.

2. be your philosopher self and not give a straight out answer :)


Tommy said...

Doctor Pepper,

Hmmm, ellie responded with a question, and she didn't get a smart aleck response. Guess this might be another girl-guy difference.

dre...or doctor pepper... said...

BUT...she answered the question first. You should answer Trent and Ellie's question.

Please don't call me a smart aleck. thanks.

Tommy said... least i commented. that's worth something.

Steven said...

I don't believe it's un-biblical for a woman to initiate (in some ways) with a man, but I think the woman ought to do it in such a way that encourages the man to be the initiator and ultimately allow him to ask her out.

I think of Ruth -- she initiated by gleaning in Boaz's field, Boaz was kind to her, and Ruth, following the advice of Naomi, initiated by sleeping at his feet. If that isn't an Old Testament "we should grab coffee sometime" I don't know what is.

Having said that, I think women should initiate with men in ways that model submission rather than leadership, and in ways that encourage that potential guy to lead. Suggest grabbing lunch together. If he wants to he'll ask for your number and call you.

(And Abigail in 1 Sam 25 took initiative in which David took notice and took her to be his wife)

stephanie johnson said...


i like that.

Charlie said...

Tommy wants me to write something reactionary. But I want you to know, Ellie Andrea and Steph, that I am bigger than that.

Eat it, Tommy! Burned!!

I like what Ellie asked. And I like what Steven said. Did I ever tell you guys I'm a trained biblical peacemaker?

Charlie said...

But with Tommy, I do think asking whether this is 'biblical' or not is a grossly inappropriate use of language. Perhaps the language of 'helpful'/'unhelpful' would be better?

andrea said...

c, i don't think you ever mentioned that you were a trained biblical peacemaker and for some reason i never realized that. huh.

Tommy said...

Ha! Charlie says he's not going to be reactionary, then he says the question is a "grossly inappropriate use of language." Those words have a little fire to them, I'd say.

By the way, everyone, I taught Charlie how to be a peacemaker. He used to be a serious warmonger.

Anonymous said...

tommy, what the heck. you taught charlie how to be a peacemaker? :) haha.

Fly_Away said...

Let it be known that I, Trenton Burns, was not that one that truly asked this question. I was a proxy.

Because really, what do I care?

Tommy said...

So, I think we've pretty much proved that the girls of 2520 should each ask a guy out, yeah?

sj said...


steph (again) said...

who is teebs?

Tommy said...

Sorry...that was me, of course.

blogger said...

So I think what we learn from all this is that Tommy, as always, is strongly reactionary, while the rest of the group (including Charlie), is measured. Tommy, is this true?

tg said...

I might be reactionary sometimes, it's true. But it's also true that Charlie is not the paragon of being measured.

blogger said...

Tommy, you're so beautiful.

andrea said...

who is the first "blogger"? Obviously I know who the second "blogger" is...

Tommy said...

Who's the second blogger? I'm flattered.

steph JOHNSON said...

This is where I'm confused. Who is "blogger" again?

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