Monday, August 24, 2009

Piper Chairs

We would just like to take this opportunity to thank Abraham and Molly for the use of their folding chairs.

For the past 2 and a half years.

Because of these chairs, we were able to host a lot of parties. Because of these chairs, more people were able to sit down at these parties.

Can we get some thank you's from all of the people that have sat in these chairs while hanging out at our house please? (especially if you are in the pictures?)

Thanks again, Molly and Abraham. Thanks! Bye! Thank you! See ya! Bye! Thank you SO much! Bye!

If you squint hard, you might be able to see the very functional black folding chairs in these pictures.............


Jess said...

Oh, man. Sitting in that chair was wonderful. So much better than on that glass-topped red pallet table.

Bryan said...

Just think - I would have had to STAND and play guitar!

And way to put Orison on display! :) He's a good poster boy.

Thanks, Pipers!

katiebee said...

that is a great topic! yes, there are many times I'm not sure what we would do without those chairs. Sometimes I think about actually buying my own :)

skronny said...

oh! we forgot to mention the reason for the post----we finally returned the chairs to the piper's last week.

Anonymous said...

I liked the chairs, thanks Pipers!

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