Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Marathon and Bedrest?

As some of you may know, I (Lacy) have been on crutches for the last 2 weeks. It was exactly 2 weeks ago today that I learned I have a stress fracture in my left hip. The real kicker is that it's been fractured since June! Here's the story...My sister, Linsey, was living with us this summer. She was training for a half marathon and all her running inspired me. So, she and I decided to run a 10K together. Red flag #1, we made the decision to run the night before the race, so I did NO training. I ran the race and, to my surprise, I survived the whole 6.2 miles without stopping. Then comes red flag #2. Two days after the race, when my sore muscles began to loosen up, my left hip started to hurt. Every step was painful, to the point of needing to limp (very sneakily, of course, so as to avoid any extra attention). I assumed it was an over use injury so I laid off exercise for a month and a half. My hip felt a lot better after all the rest, so I started easing back into working out. But each workout was followed by a day or two of hip pain, red flag #3. I suffered through intermittent workouts with no change until finally, 3 1/2 months later, I made a doctor's appointment. I had an MRI, which is how the fracture was diagnosed. Since I did rest my hip for a while after the run and the fracture was not yet healed, drastic measures needed to be taken: crutches for 4-6 weeks. Since I am on crutches, I am unable to perform my work duties as a nurse, which leads to the point of this post. It is a fairly common practice for the folks on our unit (Sarah and I work on the same floor) to get a card signed by co-workers if someone has had a birthday, surgery, injury, ect. This weekend there was a card sitting at the main desk for me. Attached was a post-it note that read, and I quote: "Lacy was injured after running in a marathon. She's on bedrest for 30 days...please sign card." Sarah, being the joy-giver that she is, brought the post-it note home for me to read. My first reaction was, "WHAT!?" 1) I would hardly call a 10K a marathon, it's a quarter of the distance! 2) I'm not even close to being on bedrest. 3) What kind of a running injury would result in bedrest? All I can think of is getting struck by a car or fracturing BOTH hips!Where did this information come from? How funny! It's like a version of the childhood game Telephone. I can't wait until I get the card and I can read the comments...I know it will be entertaining.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

go math!

Math is my friend. Well, not really....but here's a problem for YOU!

You finally get an allowance! You put $2 away in January, $4 away in February, and $8 away in March, and $16 away in April and followed this savings pattern through to December. How much money do you have in 12 months?

Alright, friends.....have at it! :)

Monday, November 02, 2009

This is NOT our home.

Tonight, I went to Missions in the Main Hall at Bethlehem. I was really tired this afternoon and I thought about skipping. Glad I didn't. I sat on the floor along with probably a couple hundred other people and was blown away by Pastor John's message on missions. If it was recorded, I strongly encourage you to listen to it. Much better than what I'm writing. But here's my take on it...

He talked about how sad it is when we become satisfied with the little things of this earth and when people live as if this is their "final chapter" in life. Heaven is our final chapter and we should not live as if this were heaven. We have the hope of an eternity in heaven...that's why we can give our lives away to missions here on this earth. He said we need to "get it settled" that our reward is not in this life. Total satisfaction is coming. Don't try to seek it out in things of this earth. Give, give, give. Love, love, love.

One of the other things that stood out to me from his message - if we know the central thing, we can be ignorant in 10,000 other ways and we will be relevant to everyone...because "you will never meet a human being who doesn't have a cavernous longing...for God."

Tonight was both encouraging and convicting. Many times I think I live as if this were my final chapter/heaven. I am selfish with my time and find myself seeking satisfaction in little things rather than seeking what my heart is really longing for - God. May I not look to other little piddly things to satisfy my "cavernous craving for God." People, friends, emails, money, marriage, kids, music, shopping, entertainment, attention and the other thousands of things we may be seeking to satisfy never will fill the deep craving of our hearts. It encouraged me that we should be people who are willing to give our lives for others to share the amazing, life-giving message we have.
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