Tuesday, November 03, 2009

go math!

Math is my friend. Well, not really....but here's a problem for YOU!

You finally get an allowance! You put $2 away in January, $4 away in February, and $8 away in March, and $16 away in April and followed this savings pattern through to December. How much money do you have in 12 months?

Alright, friends.....have at it! :)


katiebee said...

this is completely unrealistic. Nobody's allowance can afford to let them put away $4,096 in December.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

don't be hatin on the trust fund kiddos!

General Formula:
∑(2^x) where x=1 to 12


You've really got an on again, off again relationship with math, don't you Steph?

Karen B said...

Of course I had to figure this one out myself... On an excel doc.... Using formulas... I'm embarrassed :-( But I do agree, this is a RIDICULOUS allowance -- major inflation.

Unknown said...

$8,190! We did a similar math problem with my third graders....I told them to go home and give their parents the option of giving them $1 each time they did the dishes or give them a penny the first time and double it each time they did the dishes. A bunch of parents said they would rather go with the doubling option until my third graders showed them how much payment that would be down the road! Go math!

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