Tuesday, October 23, 2007


It's Tuesday evening and we are sitting in our living room trying to work on our respective homework, French and Theological Foundations. Somehow we got into a conversation about theology (most likely because of TF) and also about the unsaved people we love so much and how we can share the gospel with them. We wanted to post a question that we are thinking about and ask for feedback and answers :)

How can we be perfectly joyful when we are in heaven if there are people that we love who are spending eternity separated from God?

In Revelation 21:4 it says "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Will we not realize or think about our unsaved friends and family?

P.S. Funny moment. In the midst of talking about these questions, Steph looks at me in all seriousness and says, "Your face looks good."


Whitney said...

Hey girls, great question! Here are my thoughts...

1) If we have spent our lives fulfilling our calling (the Great Commission), we will not have not feel any guilt because we will have been faithful to the Lord.

2) On Judgement Day, we will understand the exceeding sinfulness of our sin and, first of all be overwhelmingly grateful that we were chosen before the creation of the world and saved from hell, and second we will be in full agreement with God's judgement on those who lived in utter rebellion to Him. He does ALL things well.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Whitney. It is a hard question to answer.

I heard someone say once that the people who are in the presence of the Lord are so consumed with the glory of Christ that all things fade away.

This is a hard concept to grasp because we love people so much, as we rightly should. This love should compel us to evangelize because we have an eternal perspective in view. We know that judgment is coming, so we labor for the lost. But once our labors are over and God calls us home, all things will fade away in the overwhelming glory of being in the presence of our God.

There are my thoughts.

Love you!


ehl said...


It is so hard to comprehend now, in our sinfully-skewed minds, how that could be true--that we could be in full agreement with God's judgement especially when it is poured out on those we love! I totally agree with the above comments though...one, that our response should be one of action and also awe. Action to be spurred on to do all that Jesus commanded us and awe that His wrath isn't toward us any longer!

Anonymous said...

Thanks girls for posting your comments! I greatly appreciate them.

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