Sunday, October 21, 2007


Abraham and Molly sitting at the table. This was before the toast.

Andy, Phil, Katie, Serena, and Sarah eating Chipotle in their formal wear.

Michael, Gabby, and Jeff serving at Joe and Sarah's Wedding. Notice the white shirts. Nice.

Eric, Jess, and Pete bowling in their formal attire. Notice their hats.

Ellie, Katie, Gabby, Steph and Andrea.


Molly said...

those are great pictures! I had so much fun spending time with all of you this past weekend--it was a long time coming, for sure.

Sarah said...

I love that the wedding and the Bridesmaids Burritos and Bowling pics are all together. You guys are my hero..essess!

Anonymous said...

hi friends! thank you for the pictures!

love you,

Waldemar Family said...

Great pics, ladies! Looks like it was a great time.


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