Monday, October 08, 2007

high school fall retreat

First, let me just say that it was an AWESOME time! The new youth pastor spoke on Isaiah 6:1-8. He emphasized the disparity between God's holiness and our sinfulness and what Isaiah's response to that was and our response should be. Isaiah fell on his face and said "Woe is me! For I am lost...for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" Once we see the King we should be so destroyed by the realization of our sin. Isaiah goes on to describe how the seraphim flew to him and touched his lips with a burning coal saying: "your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." Praise God for the atonement for our sins that is ours through Christ Jesus. It was an amazing time of God convicting people of sin and of showing Himself to us all! Praise the Lord for His working in the hearts of all who attended, both students and mentors!

Second, here are some great quotes from the weekend...
-during a game of Taboo: "What is the continent below Japan?" "Oooh, ooh...BRAZIL!" (the answer was "down under")
-before the game of Taboo-- Greta: "Let's count off: A-B. A", Josh: "B", Andrea: "C"
-during a game of Catch Phrase: "What is the country above Florida?" (the answer was Georgia!)
-Kempton describing the significance of the seraphim saying "Holy" three times: "Back in those times saying something one time didn't really mean alot, but if you wanted to emphasize something you'd say it if I wanted to tell you how pretty my wife was, I'd say 'she's pretty-pretty!' you'd be like 'whoa!' But if I wanted to really be bold I'd say 'my wife is pretty-pretty--pretty!' you'd just say 'WOW!! she must be REALLY pretty!''


Whitney said...

Sounds like tons of fun. I wish I could've been there!

love you all!

Fly_Away said...

My favorite camp quote

"Do you guys have feet here?"

- Drew Larson

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