Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Khaki winter??

we were driving back to DG after lunch today and saw a man standing waiting for the light to change so he could cross the street. he was dressed in khaki cargo shorts (of course he had a shirt and shoes and socks on too)!! as we were also waiting for the same light to change, we couldn't help but notice how cold he was...he looked miserable. he had in his hand a Chipotle bag and a soft drink (presumably from Chipotle). we had a few theories as to why he would have ventured out into the outdoors attired thus (we gave him the benefit of the doubt in assuming there must have been a legitimate reason...not pure craziness).

Our theories were:

1.) he was a selfless, sacrificing boyfriend/fiance/husband who was running out to get Chipotle for a hungry girlfriend/fiance/wife and being so self-sacrificing didn't even think about postponing the errand in thinking of his own comfort.

2.) he was playing DDR (or participating in some other form of recreation) and so was warm/hot/sweaty when he left his abode...he didn't realize how cold it was outside until he had completed his errand and was again in the outdoors.

3.) he started off with khaki pants of the zip-off variety, but because he was holding Chipotle he was attacked by two ferocious Chihuahuas who, because they couldn't reach the Chipotle bag, grabbed his pants instead and proceeded to rip off the bottom portion of the pants.
"I mean, if you're going to wear shorts in winter at least wear cool basketball shorts!"

Sunday, December 16, 2007


1. Imagine all the people in the world.
2. Then imagine how many people there have been from creation until now.
3. Each one is an unique individual. Everyone has a unique personality and physical appearance. That is billions upon billions of unique people displaying unique aspects of God's image.
4. Humans are just one small part of his creation.
5. What an amazing God.
6. When interacting with others and thinking how we might serve them, we should remember that each person, whether it's your roommate, co-worker, neighbor, waitress, tax-lady, mail-carrier, homeless man on the corner or politician, they are all created in the image of God.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female he created them.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Colossians 1:15-20

Jesus is the exact image of the invisible God and makes it possible for us to see God's nature. (Heb. 1:3, 2 Cor. 4:4, Phil. 2:6, John 1:18, Ex. 33:20, I Tim. 1:17). Jesus is the firstborn of all creation and existed before anything or anybody else. Before there was an earth, men, ants or air, Jesus existed and he has always been (Ps. 89:27, Jn. 1:1). By Jesus ALL things were created. Everything in heaven was created by him. And everything on earth. He created all that is visible, whether Gerber daisies, fingernails or colors, he created it . And he created oxygen, music, wind, souls and everything else invisible. He created every throne, every dominion, every ruler and every authority. He created authority roles and every mother, father, governor, pastor or king who fills those roles (Rom. 13:1). All things were created through Jesus and all things were created for Jesus. Everything was created and exists to bring glory to Jesus. Whether marriage, people, music, animals, clothes, books, clouds or learning, Jesus is the purpose for all things. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. Jesus holds together rubber bands, fifteen story buildings, computer networks, tree bark on every tree in the jungles of Africa, or in the cities China or on the farms in Minnesota, Jesus is holding them together. Jesus holds marriages, families and relationships together. He holds together the billions of stars in the milky way galaxy (Ps. 147:4). And he holds together the entire solar system which is huge beyond our imagination. He holds together every toe, hair follicle, intestine, heart and blood cell. Just like our physical bodies wouldn't survive without Jesus, the church body would be dead and worthless without Christ as the head...and not only is Jesus The image of the invisible God, Firstborn of all creation, Creator of all things (visible, invisible, in heaven and on earth), The reason for everything that was created, Before all things, Holding all things together, Head of the body, the church, The beginning, The firstborn from the dead, Preeminent in everything...but he also made peace by the blood of his cross. AMAZING. Eph. 2:12-14...having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility"

He is amazing beyond words. He is beautiful beyond any part of nature or person we think is beautiful. He is far more precious than anything we hold dear. What we call valuable is not worth comparing to the value of Jesus (Phil. 3:7-8). He is greater than any person we deem great - whether it's because they preach great sermons, write theological books, love others really well, display humility, love Jesus, are musically talented, smart, on the mission field, persecuted or even died for Christ - no matter how great or humble they may seem, no one even comes close to comparing with Jesus.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

colgate, crest, aquafresh=our friends

the topic of teeth and brushing them is quite common at 2520. one reason is that two of the girls living here are daughters of dentists. another reason the topic comes up frequently is because some of the girls living here have had many problems, including many cavity fillings, root canals, teeth pulled, braces (not only once but a second time). the many procedures are not due to lack of good oral hygeine. it is because of soft tooth enamel.

those are not the only reasons for the discussion of teeth. over the last couple years, there have been a few instances with some friends who do not take brushing as serisouly as we do. even though all three have been guys, i think they take hair brushing more seriously than teeth brushing. the three will remain nameless unless they choose to disclose their identity.

a couple years ago friend number 1 stated that he brushes his teeth only in the morning. i thought this was weird, but i thought it was good that he at least brushed his teeth in the morning before interacting with others.

but last week friend number 2 confessed to only brushing at night! first time i had ever heard of that. i thought the only time anyone ever went without brushing their teeth in the morning would be if they forgot or somehow lost their toothbrush. but even in the case of not having a toothbrush i thought one would scrub toothpaste on the teeth with fingers. he thought it was completely normal to only brush at night.

tonight friend number 3 said he also rarely brushes his teeth in the morning. he thinks eating breakfast gets rid of bad breath. he acted like it is completely normal to only brush once a day - only at night. (And he is married...both friends number 1 and 2 are unmarried. we thought maybe that was the reason for the lack of oral hygiene...). so that hypothesis has been disproven. maybe it's a gender thing?

for the last two years i've thought friend number one was the strange one and for the last week that friend number 2 was also, but now i've started wondering if we (2520) are the weird ones...

hence the poll.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

awkward. to the max.

1. We have had more awkward moments than we have bargained for.
2. "The book, the book" experience with Joshua Harris. That was awkward.
3. Dancing in a four-some at a wedding last year.
4. Getting told that you are one of the two most awkward people they've met.
5. Grocery store hand-shake experience and getting "caught for stealing" right afterwards.
6. Taking an out-of-town guest to the Halal Market thinking it would suite her grocery needs. She tried to explain before going in that we should probably go somewhere else, but it seemed like the best option and closest to home.
7. Driving away from the gas station without paying.
8. Mistakenly bumping forehead into friend's chin while standing up to give him a hug.
9. Saran-wrapping own car to cover-up tracks. It was a decoy.
10. A prank gone wrong in someone's apartment. We focused so much on getting the key and getting in that we hadn't thought of a plan once we got in. Awkward when they came home and we were just sitting in the living room. This was a long time ago.
11. Eagerly stating "I've always wanted to go to China too!"--after a male friend had told of his desire to serve there long-term.
12. Deciding and announcing that she wanted to be a specific married woman's "understudy"! (not realizing what that word meant)
13. Saying "Me and my friends were out gang-banging last night..." Thinking that gang-banging meant "hanging out"!

Sarah wants to have an awkward scale to rank each others' awkwardness and awkward situations. Obviously she would never be on the top. As a matter of fact neither would Katie or Ellie.

Monday, December 03, 2007


This morning I listened to one of Russell Moore's podcasts (CDT, I can't mention him without thinking of you, "HI!") on Hebrews 4:14-5:10 which starts out as:

"Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need..."

Amazing words. We can go before the God of the universe with confidence because of Jesus Christ. Dr. Moore said so many great things about this text and I'm not even going to try to summarize what he said, but one thing I was thinking about is prayer, specifically for missionaries. Through prayer we can be a part of what God is doing globally. So, this is just an encouragement to be confident before the Lord and pray boldly for missionaries and that the Lord would do amazing things through them for the kingdom's sake. And not only for missionaries, but humbly and boldly approach the throne of grace about everything.

p.s. Since the topic is prayer...If you think of it, please pray for Ellie (she is sick) and for my brother, Michael (he is having surgery next week because his appendix burst).

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A "Random" post from Scotch Banyon

I was given permission to take hold of the 2520 blogspot reins and write on a topic of my choosing. I have decided that I will use this opportunity to write about an issue close to my heart. The shortage of new movies showcasing puppetry, and more specifically, puppetry of the muppet variety. While many of us can remember the '99 movie "Muppets From Space" starring the timeless Gonzo, it has been far too long since the Hollywood Machine has taken up the strings and produced another blockbusting muppet epic. Those fat cats out in S. Cali are just gorging themselves on their bowls of milk and fancy feast, paid in full by mind numbingly dull films about rock stars and real life drama starring actual human beings. Who wants to see a docudrama about the the Bay of Pigs fiasco when you can actually have a leading role played by an actual pig? Well a pig made out of felt and foam, but whatever. And hasn't the world seen enough rom coms with meg ryan and tom hanks? Give me Miss Piggy and her Kermie any day. And on that note, this has been the first and last post that I will ever be allowed to do. I apologize to everyone in advance.

- Scotch
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