Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Khaki winter??

we were driving back to DG after lunch today and saw a man standing waiting for the light to change so he could cross the street. he was dressed in khaki cargo shorts (of course he had a shirt and shoes and socks on too)!! as we were also waiting for the same light to change, we couldn't help but notice how cold he was...he looked miserable. he had in his hand a Chipotle bag and a soft drink (presumably from Chipotle). we had a few theories as to why he would have ventured out into the outdoors attired thus (we gave him the benefit of the doubt in assuming there must have been a legitimate reason...not pure craziness).

Our theories were:

1.) he was a selfless, sacrificing boyfriend/fiance/husband who was running out to get Chipotle for a hungry girlfriend/fiance/wife and being so self-sacrificing didn't even think about postponing the errand in thinking of his own comfort.

2.) he was playing DDR (or participating in some other form of recreation) and so was warm/hot/sweaty when he left his abode...he didn't realize how cold it was outside until he had completed his errand and was again in the outdoors.

3.) he started off with khaki pants of the zip-off variety, but because he was holding Chipotle he was attacked by two ferocious Chihuahuas who, because they couldn't reach the Chipotle bag, grabbed his pants instead and proceeded to rip off the bottom portion of the pants.
"I mean, if you're going to wear shorts in winter at least wear cool basketball shorts!"


Anonymous said...

I just love you guys. Period. The end. AE.

Katie said...

I love that you actually blogged about this!
I'm still sticking with theory number 3...dogs can be mean.

Fly_Away said...

theory 4: He is actually a Plutotian and a winter day in Minneapolis is no big deal.

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