Sunday, May 03, 2009

this is why i don't get hw done at 2520...

The other night, I was sitting on my bedroom floor trying to write a paper on Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf. Hence the classical music in the background. Anyways, Steph popped in...bringing Sarah's computer, a diet coke and algebra problems. Needless to say, the rest of the night was not very profitable (school-wise) for me. But I do love Steph's company :)

In the second video, Steph had started google chatting. And then she video chatted with Anna and Kat, who tried to help her solve the math problems...

If any of y'all are math wizards or something, I'm sure Steph would love your help...


skronny said...

you guys just made me cry in the basement all by myself........i should come upstairs and tell you how funny these are

Gabby Huerta said...


Oh. My. Gosh. I laughed so hard and I am in a coffee shop!!!

Steph I love you because I am the SAME EXACT WAY.

miss you guys

thebowblog said...

wow. i like you guys :)

Manda (+2) said...

Oh Steph. I'm totally feel'n ya- Some of us are just better at "other" things. not math. I suck at it.

Courtney T said...

You should ask Daniel what the answer is. Math is his thing. He used to tutor math and when he talks about math it is like second nature to him. I never know what he is saying. I bet he could do this in his sleep. I, on the other hand, would be in a worse boat than Steph. I took 4 semesters of developmental math before I could get to college algebra. I actually can't remember if it was 3 or 4. I failed one and had to take it over. Okay. This is really long now. I am going to bed.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I would help Steph with math any time! I love Algebra!! :)

Courtney said...

Steph, I still don't get why you are doing math problems in the first place. Why torture your brain like that? :D But I'm right with you.....ugh...math is AWFUL!! and this post made me laugh so hard. just in case you wanted to know. :)

steph said...

I wanna give a shout-out to Anna and Kat for helping me with my math.

Thanks girls for your help! You guys were the bomb!

I still wanna do math, and of course need help! GOSH!

Anonymous said...

Yeah thats right, I'm a math wiz.....NOT! Anytime you need help with math just vchat me again and we will struggle through it :)

Andrea, time for a new study spot. Oh wait, your almost done with studying FOREVER :) yay!

ehl said...

SO funny! Keep up the math Steph!

skronny said...

these are even funnier the second time around. wow.

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