Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Peace Like a River"

I'm on page 125 (out of 311) and am still having trouble "really getting into it." I'm surprised because many people say it's excellent. That's why I'm still reading but I hate having to tell myself to keep going rather than not wanting to put it down. I guess it must be drawing me in enough to keep me through 125 pages. It's not horrible by any means, it's just not grabbing my attention like I thought it might. Maybe I'm fictioned-out, after all the novels I read as an English major. But I think it's the style I don't love.

Maybe it's okay if I don't love it now. Maybe the books message will be worth it. Ok, I've decided I'm going to finish it...hopefully soon. Katie's waiting for me so she can read it.

Are you reading any good books?


Bryan said...

Counterfeit gods.

Loving it.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading a bunch of mediocre books, no good ones right now. Unless you wanna count Judges, it's pretty good.

katiebee said...

take your time. I still have about 900 pages of Les Mis left :)

Talitha Piper said...

I just finished Gone with the Wind... all 900 plus pages of it!!! Loved it! Currently reading Radical Womanhood by Carolyn McCulley!! Loving it!

Autumn said...

I'm with you, Andrea...I couldn't really get into it either, despite the great things I heard about it. I ended up putting it down never to be read again.

And I'm reading Forgotten God (Francis Chan), and it's excellent!

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