Thursday, October 22, 2009

what makes you most nervous?

1. Making a presentation to 500 people?

2. A long car ride with a person you just met?

3. Talking about your deepest fears with someone you like?

4. Meeting with the President of the company you work for?


Bryan said...

#2, though I wish this wasn't the case.

Why do you ask? Is there a story behind this post?

And when do we get to read about Google Chat discussions on flossing?!!?

Karen B said...

Ack. #2, for sure. Unfortunately...

Heather said...

Def. #1... i am shaking just thinking about it.

Stephanie G said...

If I have to choose among these options, I guess I'll say #4. I think I'm pretty steady in any of these situations.

Unknown said...

I think I would go for #1.

#2 is not a favorite of mine, either.

But at least I've experience it more than #1 so I feel a little bit less intimidated by it.

andrea said...

mine would FOR SURE be #1. ahhhh...

B - We were talking about it at home and thought we would blog the questions :) Yeah, maybe we will post the flossing g-chat...maybe :)

katiebee said...

I'll say #1. That sounds pretty horrible to me

stephanie said...

hands down, numero uno. ah & ah.

Anonymous said...

i'd say #3. except with anyone, not just someone i like.

#2 would be so fun! and so would 1 and 4, depending on what you are talking about. and who the president is. Well, Obama's the president, but you know what I mean.

Unknown said...

#2, I have also had some bad long car ride experiences... It COULD be fun, but when it's bad, it's horrible.

Although, #1 could make a run for it if they were 500 Presidents who knew my deepest fears. (and who I liked?)

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