Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week #2 of our Cooking Endevour

Since the plan is to attempt cooking the meal for week 3 in a couple hours, we better show you what we cooked last week for our new recipe of the week. We had some, okay, quite a bit of help from some friends. So the credit goes not only to Steph and myself but also to: Anna, Rachel, Stefan, Celinda (and a couple tips from Sarah). Well, Tristan also helped by eating some of the lettuce wraps. We googled a recipe for lettuce wraps and the first to come up was from PF Changs. It was slightly time consuming (with the special sauce and all) but not super hard. I mean, we made them.

Here are some pictures:

Here's the recipe if you want to try them!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cooking - Week 1

So, in our effort to cook more and try new recipes, Steph and I made Swedish Meatballs on Monday night. In all honesty, they were not entirely a new for us. We'd made Norwegian Meatballs in the past and they seem to be pretty much the same. Technically though, it's was new. And since we're both Swedish, it was fun. Steph's always known she was Swedish and I just found out on Christmas Eve that I'm part Swedish...I never knew.

Here's some pictures from our cooking endeavor:

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So...I'm watching Julie & Julia again. A couple months ago, or whenever it was in the theater, I saw it with my friend, Karen. Of course it made me want to blog and cook more but sadly, it's not been super successful. But Steph and I do have a little dream (for the winter) to try out a new recipe once a week. It's a good plan, I think, but it hasn't exactly started yet. But winter didn't really officially start until Dec 21st, so we're not too far behind. Right? Maybe we will blog our results. Maybe.

In other news: short hair is a new rule for 2520 residents. Steph and I were the only ones with long hair but we just got tons cut off. Steph, 10 inches and mine...well, we didn't measure, so I'll just say 8...

Steph before (you don't need to pay any attention to Sarah...she has pretty much the same hairstyle):


Me with my hair:

Me after (and with the tea-pot my roommates gave me as a birthday gift):

And...of course...Katie Steller...who cut all our hair off....

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