Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week #2 of our Cooking Endevour

Since the plan is to attempt cooking the meal for week 3 in a couple hours, we better show you what we cooked last week for our new recipe of the week. We had some, okay, quite a bit of help from some friends. So the credit goes not only to Steph and myself but also to: Anna, Rachel, Stefan, Celinda (and a couple tips from Sarah). Well, Tristan also helped by eating some of the lettuce wraps. We googled a recipe for lettuce wraps and the first to come up was from PF Changs. It was slightly time consuming (with the special sauce and all) but not super hard. I mean, we made them.

Here are some pictures:

Here's the recipe if you want to try them!


Anonymous said...

How fun! And the recipe sounds super yummy :-)

Anonymous said...

You made dinner and went to the gym all in one night? Wow, ambitious.

Anna said...

really good! and really fun :) steph is an expert mincer now!

steph said...

Thanks Anna!

Anonymous said...
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