Friday, May 04, 2007

dinner party '07 anyone?

Below you will find photos from a dinner party that we (Steph & Andrea)threw. We were teased by many for not being able to cook so we decided to prove to our friends that we could cook. By ourselves. NO HELP. Little did we know that we needed a lot of help. We searched the internet to find recipes and planned many different options. Just in case one failed, the guests could move onto the next. We liked to diversify our cooking. We made chicken, meatloaf, green beans, carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, fruit pizza and special k bars. Whoa.

The problem lied most specifically in the garlic mashed potato efforts. The recipe called for 1-2 cloves of garlic. After mincing the entire bulb, we realized we needed more garlic because we had made a few extra potatoes. We didn't have much time, but knew that we must go to the grocery to purchase more garlic. As we arrived back at the apt. we realized it had an overwhelming smell that permeated the room. It was not pretty. The mashed potatoes were tasted and it was immediately realized that they didn't need any more garlic. I guess the whole bulb was enough.

This picture is a little description of how we felt after spending an entire afternoon cooking (5 hours to be exact). When the people started arriving, we just wanted to leave and go to Chipotle.


Hannah said...

A for effort,girls. After all, it's the thought that counts=) I'm sure the meatloaf was delish!!Love the pic at the end!

Anonymous said...

Aww, your faces are so cute! Don't worry. This will be a great story to tell every time you make mashed potatoes. Food with a funny story is always better.

Just to be clear - I would come over and eat extra-garlicy mashed potatoes if it meant I got to hang out with you! (Hint hint!)

Your new CDG conference friend, Jessica H.

Courtney Reissig said...

oh, oh, oh! Jessica commented! Yay!


We will have you over for something way more exciting than garlic mash potatoes. The skies the limit with us now!

ehl said...

it was funny how you thought a clove was the entire bulb!!

It wasn't THAT bad though!

Rachel said...

Good try girls. What other cooking disasters have you run into? My cooking tip is when you are making muffins or cookies always mix the butter/margine/criso with any sugars before adding other ingredients. Criso soup is not as appetizing as blueberry muffins. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha you guys are so funny..

Anonymous said...

Hey, it wasn't that bad...

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