Tuesday, May 15, 2007

grody tore (for you, orison)

Ok, where do I even start?

I love the grocery store! The grocery store is a guaranteed adventure. So much of an adventure that I feel tired after I leave the store. Long lines, interesting people, awkward moments, bargain shopping...

I'll give you a brief snapshot of what my day-to-day adventures are like in the grocery store.

My most recent awkward moment happened today with Andrea. We walked into the store and grabbed a cart. We then proceeded to the produce section, where Andrea hiccuped really loud. Right after the first one came out, the hiccup surfaced again (quite the horn)! A random guy turned around and started to laugh right in front of us! We burst out laughing! I immediately ran towards the apples and could not hold it in! I looked up and there he was, that random guy, STILL laughing at us. Ok, awkward.

One of the most memorable moments was when Andrea and I walked over to the self-serve section of the store. Or we thought it was self-serve. We quickly started sampling left and right the many different options before us. There were gummy bears, licorice, almonds, trail mix, and peanut butter covered pretzels. The grocery store lady walked over, yelled at us (as if we were back in the 3rd grade), and told us not to "sample" again. Apparently, sampling equals stealing. Oh gosh.

The last experience that I'll note was probably the most uncomfortable moment of them all. I was standing next to the grapes and Andrea had a question. She asked me what day of the week it was, and I replied with a hearty WED-NES-DAY! A random guy then piped in and affirmed my answer. He then cornered us and wanted to shake our hands. I shook his hand first, and then Andrea felt obligated to shake as well. Great. (Notice uncomfortable, awkwardness). I felt horrible that I shook his hand. Not only did I shake his hand, but it probably was the worst, limp, handshake that I had ever given out. I broke my handshake policy. Seriously.

All uncomfortable.
All awkward.
All with Andrea.

I love you, ANDRRREEEA!

(this post took me 2 hours to write.)


Anonymous said...

steph! i LOVE going to the grocery store with you. remember the first time we made salsa and we were looking for parsley? now we all know that eggplant is not parsley.

Molly said...

One time Orison "sampled" a package of Rolos in the check out line, because I had let him ride in one of those carts with the car on the front. You totally cannot see what's going on down there, so he just reached out and found something good. I walked around to the front to put his coat on and there was chocolate all down his chin and he said, "O havin' this!" :-)

Courtney Reissig said...

Oh my gosh. I totally just laughed out loud at work!

Anonymous said...

Oh Molly! That is too funny!

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