This all started because Katie and Steph are doing a 'no sweet eating' journey until December 8th. They are allowed one piece of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
Steph is proud because she is keeping away from the pastries at work and staying away from all Halloween candy. She even had to thumb through milk duds, snickers, reeses, milky way and more, but passed right through them and took only the sugary bubble gum. Katie even refrains from eating the candy on her desk and didn't even eat a crumble of the pumpkin donut holes her sister gave her. They also both passed by the candy bars given to each of us by Sarah's parents.
Well, tonight we were talking about what they do eat rather than sweets. Katie brought home banana bread and Steph was chewing on some fruit snacks. She also admitted to eating a s'more pop tart earlier today. They also enjoy the Starbuck's drinks, such as apple cider and raspberry soy lattes.
Now comes the question. Do these items they have been eating align with their 'no sweet diet?' The other item of discussion was whether or not fruit snacks are considered a sweet or a member of the fruit family? To many this would seem to be a no brainer, but one of the girls (KH) strongly considers fruit snacks to be a fruit source. In fact her childhood lunch-box consisted of four items (always eaten in the same order): 1. sandwich 2. chips/crackers 3. fruit snacks (a.k.a. fruit) and 4. dessert. So, it is no wonder that she does not view these as a sweet.
If they do end up labeling something as a 'sweet,' and eat it, they are obligated to pay the other one $1. This hasn't happened yet in the 2 days they have been on the diet.
They asked me if I wanted to join in this endeavour and I originally declined, but I'm thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad...
Disclaimer: Katie and Steph were completely fine with this post.

It was really hard to pass by the candy today! You know how much I love candy--it's probably a good thing that I'm not eating candy because I am getting a cavity on #29.
That whole fruit snack thing is pretty funny! Ohh Katie. :)
Save some SWEDISH FISH for me. :)
I would like you all to know that even though I once considered fruit snacks fruit, I do not hold to that claim anymore.
I was young and naive...and my parents never really gave me real fruit (except bananas). You would have thought the same thing!
fruit snacks are totally fruit!
i just need to convince my mother :-P
Steph, have you read the sugar content on the side of the Pop Tarts box? You guys are too funny!
"Processed fruit snacks do not meet the requirements of a fruit serving according to the food guide pyramid," says Letitia Hess, MS, RD, CSP, LD. "These processed fruit products are primarily carbohydrates and a lot of sugar. It's like eating candy."
To learn more visit http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/yh/archives/2004/spring/fruit.htm
okay okay, i get the picture. :)
thanks for helping a sister out.
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