Sunday, October 26, 2008


A few weeks ago, Sarah's brother had a MN wedding reception (He got married in Idaho and had a reception at his parent's house here). We were 'hired' as the wait staff. Sharon gave us all matching aprons...which are really cute! Since we had so much fun serving the guests and because we really like the aprons, we thought we should start a catering business. However, we would not provide the food...just the service...with a smile. So, if any of y'all are looking for something like that, let us know :)

Lacy, Stephanie and Ellie

It got really cold outside!

These delicious treats are called 'Sins of the Inn.' Wow, they are amazing. Steph recommends these...and believe me, she knows everything about the dessert table.

Ellie and Katie...really excited...

All of us.


Waldemar Family said...

I'd hire you any day:)

"Sin of the Inn" as in the Lake Elmo Inn? Yum!

Anonymous said...

I would hire you, too.

Love you,


RCEC said...

So fun. I haven't seen you guys in a while, but I haven't forgotten you, and I love you all very much.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in mind... Just kidding. Like I host large events or something.

But if I ever know someone who is, you've got my recommendation!

andrea said...

yes! the lake elmo inn. have you been there? have you had those desserts?

Waldemar Family said...

Yup! We used to live next door. The smells coming from that place were fabulous. I HAVE had that dessert.

Anonymous said...

Those were the bomb-diggity! BAM!

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