Friday, October 10, 2008

i miss china...

Mostly I miss the orphans. Especially Wu Quihua. This is the orphan I was 'buddied' with for the week at the orphan camp. He was so precious and even cuter in person! He smiled all the time but when he was in his bus seat waiting for the bus to take him back to the orphanage, he put his head down in his lap and cried...along with those of us who were watching them leave.

Wu Quihua and Tan Ping. They are both 12 years-old. The boys loved to play together. They are wearing Minnesota Gopher hats that Trent gave them. They told us their stories of how they ended up in the orphanage. Unbelievable stories and real sad.


Kelsey Sturm said...

Yes! One of the girls from BC just posted new pictures from the last day of camp. Now I have one of me hugging my boy Hu Lang as we're both weeping over the letters we wrote. I miss China sorely, and I'm very glad I went.

Anonymous said...


i saw that on facebook. i miss those kids.....they were so precious. i miss china too....a lot.

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