Saturday, May 26, 2007

benefits of the phillips

we don't even have to leave our house to have all the excitement we could ask for.

if you are an extravert, you never have to leave because there are always those sauntering around the neighborhood or people sitting on their porches during all hours of day and night.

no need to download any more music from itunes when you can always hear the next door neighbor's perfectly fine.

you don't need to call 911 because the police are either on their way or already here.

when 4th of july rolls around, just stay here for all your firework entertainment. but come early, because they don't wait until the 4th to start. it's a weekend full of festivities. we thought perhaps we had moved to a war zone and were afraid our cars were going to blow up.

cats and squirrels are of endless supply.

if you want an excuse to buy new tires, come on by and drive the alley. they are sure to be popped, thanks to all the glass.

if you are planning to travel to a foreign country anytime soon, spend a week here first. it will help you adapt to another culture.

afraid you are losing touch with culture and trapped in your christian bubble? just come and listen to some of the words spoken on the streets.

even if you own a house, no need to do your own yard maintenance. the neighbors are quick to offer their lawn mowing and snow shoveling services - for a charge in order to pay for "school." hmm.

come here for your relaxing vacation. the distinct smell of burning "plants" may bring you to your happy place.

you don't have worry about recycling because the pop cans are absconded by unkown individuals. recycle day is everyday.

throw the alarm clock away. we don't have roosters, but we do have neighbors who are sure to do the job.

if you like the sounds of beethoven, come to the area and listen for the ice cream man. he drives up and down our street at least 20 times per day. and it's only may.

if you want a "compliment," go for a walk or run, and you are sure to receive many.

we are happy to be here. really, we are. even in the midst of all the craziness, we love it. every superstar needs a little bit of ghetto.

pray with us for our neighborhood. and that we would be a shining light and salt to them.


Anonymous said...

Ohh, so true. So true.

Anonymous said...

i have about 4661256 more i could add to that list..and i love it!

Courtney Reissig said...

what in the world. Who is Rodrigo? I leave for the weekend and so much drama happens.

Anonymous said...

Great post....
I love Phillips so much...
Yes, tonight my Hispanic neighbors are having their regular all-night party outdoors which consists of playing really loud mariachi music as loud as possible from the car. Such fun-I know summer has begun when they start.

Rachel said...

What fun the city must be. Unfortunately we have our bits of excitement in the small towms/suburbs too. There is the all night fall parties the neighbors have, the town festival when you can here the live music from across town into the wee morning hours, and the not so occational drug bust. Of course we also have our quirks such as you are a new comer to town if you've been there 30 years, everybody waves when they pass, and there is the town busybody who knows and documents everything that might happen. You got to love your neighbors. :)

Anonymous said...

Como estan, mujeres. Tu casa esta muy bien. Pero, mi casa esta mas bien. Adios!

Tambien, me gusta el blog de Rodrigo.

Courtney Reissig said...

What is up with all these spanish speaking people on our blog?

Anonymous said...

Habla espanol, o no?

Courtney Reissig said...

ok, mr. spanish speaker. I can only read spanish, not write it--so si, hablo espanol (sort of).

Soy lei espanol.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Nice. Love it. :)
Hey! You have a spanish speaker on your blog and I´m in! :D

Anonymous said...

oh, interesting.

Anonymous said...

yeah asian pride!


Anonymous said...

asian pride. i know who you are!!

Anonymous said...

Now this blog post is like a chat room. Nobody is even responding to the blog, but they are just responding to the previous person's comment!

Well, I like the post a lot!

Courtney Reissig said...

I think all of our posts become chat rooms, chat rooms where only the roommates talk even though we are all in the same house.

But, I agree too, Katie. I think it is a great post! Oh Phillips, I love it!

Anonymous said...

By the way, the Beethoven ice cream truck is owned by blind woman who drives with binoculars ( no really, it's creepy) and our cans are also regularly swiped by a older hispanic woman we like to call " Can Lady"

2526 15th said...

I just posted the previous comment, I didn't have a user though. Can you guess who we are?

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