Saturday, June 16, 2007

Basketball skills

This is a picture of Andrea practicing her vertical at the Steller's house in Minneapolis. Growing up, Andrea was obsessed with basketball. She video-taped (for those who are too young to know what that means, they were the predecessors to DVDs. Ask your parents for more of an explanation, maybe they even have a copy of these near extinct, pre-historic items, also known as VHS) the Timberwolves playoff games against the Sonics from back in 1998. She hasn't watched the tapes in some time, but still has them to this day. The main reason she taped the games, aside from her obsession, is because she is an avid basketball player herself and is always looking to improve her game by learning from the pros. In this picture, Andrea is working towards improving her vertical jump. You can see by her facial expression that she is VERY serious about and concentrated on accomplishing this goal. She will NOT give up until she has "mad skills" like Stephon Marbury, also called "Starbury" (who even though he was traded away from the Wolves, is still an all-time favorite of Andrea's).
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Molly said...

this is hilarious! andrea, i love the concentration!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, LOVE IT!

cdt, did you post? :)

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