Monday, June 04, 2007


Just in case our faithful readers were inquiring about what exactly we meant by labeling a housemate as "homeschooler," here is a little taste of a conversation we all had last night...

Andrea (in an earnest voice): "Do you guys know who Pee-Wee Herman is?"
2520: "Um, yes. We knew that 10 years ago."
Sarah: Oh, that's funny. That's really funny.

Oblivious to pop culture, I think yes. She moved to the top of the homeschool list.


Anonymous said...

It's fine that no one has commented. I'm not the one who is manipulating the commenters in order to save face. You know who you are...


Anonymous said...

you honestly didnt know who peewee herman was? wow...what is this world coming to...

Anonymous said...

Who IS Peewee Herman?

Anonymous said...

By the way, it takes great courage and a strong sense of self worth to admit to ignorance in the face of such amused superiority and disdain.

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