Wednesday, July 11, 2007

shout out to m. pipes

we just want to give a shout out to our biggest fan, molly piper. she is our most faithful commenter (except for those of us who live here). molly, have a good vacation!!

p.s. for the rest of you, do not be disheartened. you too can win the prize...

love, the 2520 girls


Anonymous said...

Molly, oh my gosh. we just watched the videos of orison (over and over). so cute. courtney wants to put them on her blog! everyone should go to Molly's xanga and watch them. it's neat to hear him quote the bible scripture...he's so sweet. by the way, we made it back (huffing and puffing). we will wait until you guys are back home to do the run!

Anonymous said...

Molly!!! I'm so happy that you are featured on our blog! I just checked out your Xanga--Orison is so cute! I love it! And-he looks so cute with his new buzzed head. Have a great vacation...Two weeks without internet. Great. :)

2520!!! Good job for running! Love it. did you wear your sweatbands? ;)


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