Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, we had this idea of doing a price comparison of essential items at frequently visited grocery stores (Cub, Rainbow, Super-T). This all came about because there are definite opinions amongst the housemates at 2520 over which store is cheaper overall. Do you have an opinion??

Well, we wanted to get your (our readers) opinions/input on what items you would like us to compare. We obviously cannot compare all the items you buy, but items that are consistently on your grocery list.

some of our ideas are:

  • bread
  • cereal
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • eggs
  • flour
  • sugar
  • pasta
  • apples
  • cheese
  • lunch meat
  • OJ
  • canned soup
  • chocolate chips
  • chicken


p.s. I know some of you would say Aldi should be on our list, but they don't have all of our items and we are looking for an overall cheapest store.


Aaron O'Harra said...

Where are the vegetables?

Kathy Sturm said...

Aldi's Aldi's Aldi's

Fly_Away said...

Broog Malazar on Chicago and 24th sells all sorts of stuff out of the back of his truck at competitive rates.

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