Friday, January 16, 2009

the Y-Dub

Andrea, Steph and I (Katie) have been seriously throwing around the idea of getting a gym membership for the last week. We are determined that it will happen! However, our first attempt failed...miserably.
So last night we got home from dress shopping at about 8 o'clock and decided that the best time to get a membership to the YWCA was then!! We knew what we wanted; Andrea was going to get the student discount membership and Steph and I were going to get the joint house membership so it would be cheaper.
As we started driving, Andrea exclaimed, "Shoot, I don't have proof that I'm a full time student!" We kept on driving because we figured, "oh I'm sure they'll let you workout anyway". Plus, even if they didn't, Steph or I could have used our guest pass for her.
Upon arriving to the YWCA we found out that the membership desk was just about closed. Fortunately we got there just in time!!!
We go over to the desk and greet the employee. Steph and I get all ready to apply and I look at her driver's license and it still has her old address on it! So, I asked her if she had anything else that proved she lived at 2520. The answer was no, but she thought that they would just believe us. So the woman finds out and shows us the form of things that would qualify us:
-Driver's license
-Utility Bill
-Phone Bill
-Joint Checking
Hmm...nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope. But wait! "I have a checking account!" Steph told her.
Response with a pointing to the paper, "Joint checking"
"Well my name and address are on it"
"Joint checking account" More pointing, "It has to be joint"
So I ask, "does a cell phone bill count?"
"The phone number must be attached to the address, so it has to be a land line"
We saw that we were getting nowhere fast, so Andrea asks, "well don't you just have a free one-day pass to check the gym out?"
Even before Andrea finished her sentence, "that is not true."
"Oh, I thought you did."
"That is not true."
"I'm pretty sure I came here with a friend and they told us we could."
"That is not true. Maybe if you have never visited the YWCA before you might get a one day pass. But we have a system that tells if you've been to the downtown, the uptown, or the midtown."
Needless to say we left the gym with our iPods in tow and no gym memberships.


Scott said...


also, you should know that rss feeds display posts even if you remove them.

Tommy said...

True. I vote for a return of the singey's post.

Anonymous said...

Failure! I think I was turned away once at LA Fitness in San Diego when I "visited" the facilities 4 days in a row.

Katie said... that post won't be returning. Trenton got ahold of the blog without us knowing it and that post was a result of it.

Bethany said...

i really want to see trenton's post. can someone with rss email it to me? please? girls. reconsider.

btw, very sad Y story. at least it's providing joyful laughter for some of us. :)

Sarah Hubert said...

Oh painful! So are you attempting again, documents and all?

RCEC said...

Great story. Love you all, sorry I haven't come down in a while.

RCEC said...

Great story. Love you all, sorry I haven't come down in a while.

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