Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Restoration 2009 Part 1

The first installation of Restoration 2009 is getting our piano tuned. Yes, we are aware that we've had it for over 9 months. And we should have done this long ago, but we didn't. So, Tuesday morning at 10:30 am, Robin (a guy) came to the house and started tuning. I assumed he would just sit and tune but he wanted to talk throughout the 1.5 hour process. We talked about where we both grew up, the band he plays in , lots of politics (with many differing views, to say the least), the Bible, how he used to live on 11th Avenue, schools we both attended, how to play piano by ear, and of course how he learned to tune pianos. It was pretty interesting.

But bottom line is, it is now in tune and Restoration is in progress. Stay tuned for more Restoration news.

And if you want to play, come on over.


katiebee said...

I can't wait to hear it!

steph said...

sounds good katie.

steph johnson said...

sarah, sarah, sarah.....

another post...............WORD.

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