Sunday, January 04, 2009


When we were in Cali, we found great deals on candy at Target - 75% off! That meant we got big bags of Christmas candy for 69 cents/bag. The problem was that any candy we bought, we had to fit in our suitcase. Yes, we did think about waiting and buying it in Mpls. but there is usually never any candy left over at the Target's in Mpls. Maybe the Cali people are healthier. Ellie confirmed that there was no candy in the Minneapolis least the one she went to.

Andrea happy about all the candy:
Steph trying to sort out which bags she can depart with:

Trying to fit everything in the suitcase was rather difficult:

As we were walking to the checkout each with about 13 bags of candy....
Andrea: "Are we being stupid?"
Steph: "Oh, do you think we should get more?"


Anonymous said...

I should have gotten more! My candy is almost gone! Tear. What a great deal!

Anonymous said...

if anyone wants candy, we still have some left: peanut m&m's, dove, regualr m&m's, reeses. you are welcome to come over and have some :)

Gabby Huerta said...


wow I miss you guys

Unknown said...

Your conversation made me laugh! I miss you

Bethany said...

Andrea-great question. I don't think you were stupid at all.
Steph-great answer. I probably would have walked back and picked up a few more just in case. :)

Anonymous said...


You girls are so great.

Caryn said...

Too Funny! I'm so glad that I wasn't there! I would have totally went crazy. I really like candy & a good deal!!!

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